Chapter forty one

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Much to my disappointment (that's an understatement) I was brought back to the tower. They wouldn't let Supergirl leave, though. She ended up attacking a couple of agents when that happened, but I lied to her and told her it would be okay, to listen to them.

Probably the biggest lie that I had ever spoken.

The Avengers took me back to the tower, but still I didn't speak.

"Liz—" Steve started.

"Don't speak to me." I cut him off and stormed to my room.

A few minutes later there was a knock on my door.

"What do you want?" I shot and set my screwdriver down.

"It's me," Bucky opened the door slightly, "I just want information. The team's not talking to me." He sighed.

"It's fine. They would probably lie anyway." I motioned for him to come in, he did so and stood in front of me.

"What happened? Where's Supergirl?"

"Probably at some S.H.I.E.L.D. base by now, being interrogated. Or beat up. Or worse."

He paled.

"She'll be fine. She can take it." I sighed, trying to reassure myself just a tad bit more than him, she thought for a moment before adding, "I think I'm going to go on a run, wanna come? If you can keep up, that is."

"Me keep up?" He scoffed.

"Yeah old man." I smirked.

Some part of me knew that he was only playing along because he knew we both needed it.

"I'll ask Steve for the keys to his car, them we'll go."

"Why drive to run?" I smirked.

"I like your thinking. Come on, let's go." He motioned for me to follow him.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail as we walked and followed him outside.

"Race you!" I called and ran.

He let out a laugh and chased me down the street to Central Park. Luckily he couldn't catch me, that was the running joke around the tower, no one could run as fast as me, though many had tried, Natasha tried once, but I was still too fast. That was really the only thing going for me in the athletic department, I was fast. Though Steve had a lot more stamina than me.

"You... little... fast... little," He panted, leaning against a tree. "... Child!" He decided.

"Why yes I am." I smirked, sitting on a bench, panting as well.

My phone let out a buzz indicating a text, I pulled it out of my pocket and read the message,

I see you. It read.

Not wanting to alarm Bucky, I quickly stood up and typed a quick message

What do you want?

Seconds later the response came.

You've been so busy since you last saw me, shall we catch up Honey?

"Bucky..." I took a step toward him.

"What?" He questioned.

"We have to go, come on."

Another text came.

Oh don't leave so soon, we never got to chat.

"Bucky. Now. Come on." I grabbed for his arm to pull him back toward the tower.

"What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter come on."

I typed a quick text to my dad,

Hunter just texted me, Bucky and I are in Central Park. Heading back to the tower. It read.

What happened? Are you okay? He responded.

I don't know.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" Bucky stopped.

"Unless you feel like being attacked and or kidnapped then we have to keep moving." I murmured as we both fell into a fast-walking speed down the street.

"I need more details, that's extremely vague." He murmured.

"My father— My old father— the Inventor— Hunter, he sent me a text about how it was time we had a chat and about how he could see me... Dammit he just sent another one." I peered down at my phone to read the newest message.

Not so strong without your guardian around huh?

There was a screeching sound from up the street, a black van swerved around the corner.

"Bucky..." I warned.

We shared a look and took off running back toward the tower.

Something took me to the ground, something hit me in the shoulder, I reached back and felt the area, only to pull my hand back covered in blood. I groaned and got up.

"The hell is with Hydra and shooting shoulders?" I huffed and took off running again.

We need help. Black van. Shot. I managed to type with my bad arm before it was overwhelmed with pain.

There was a response but my arm refused to grab my phone out of my pocket, and the other one was busy stopping the bleeding.

"Can you keep going?" Bucky caught up to me.

"I've have worse." I grunted, "Come on."

A suit landed in front of us, red and silver.

It stepped forward, allowing us to run behind it to the tower, but was shot to the side by some net-sort of contraption.

Dad landed in his suit and attacked them. Steve appeared and helped.

Just as the fight started my vision clouded and I crumpled to the ground.

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