Chapter forty nine

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That was weeks ago.

Don't worry, I'm fine and I made it up to Steve. Hunter was taken to some super-secret S.H.I.E.L.D. prison where Hydra couldn't find him.

I was walking home from Central Park— where I often work on college admission stuff— when someone pulled my into an alley.

"What the—" I was silenced by the man pressing a hand against my mouth.

"Shh. Shh. I'm going to pull my hand away now, don't say anything, okay?" Loki's eyes were sunken and wild, his usually neatly combed hair was in disarray.

He was shaking horribly and weak, looking as if he were ready to pass out at any moment.

I hurriedly nodded and he took his hand away.

"What the hell— why are you on Earth? I thought you were on Asgard!"

"I was. I need a place to hide. Do you know anywhere other than with the Avengers?"

"Why are you hiding? They're not after you."

"I don't have time to answer questions!" He hissed.

"Fine, fine. Come on." I motioned for the god to follow me.

He did, I lead him to an apartment a few blocks uptown.

"This is where Midgardians live?" He looked around.

"New Yorkians, yes. Don't complain. As far as anyone knows this place doesn't exist. Don't you dare do anything stupid. I'll check in tomorrow." I sighed and left.

When I got home, my work and such was stowed away in my over-the-shoulder bag.

"Uh... Who're you?" I froze once I entered the room.

A boy who looked just a little taller than me sat on the couch, his spiky brown hair looked as if he mad been pulling at it due to frustration— his dark green eyes scanning and rescanning something I couldn't see. He jumped up when he heard my voice.

"I-I uh I- I'm with—" He pointed toward the doorway.

"The Avengers?" I helped him out.

He nodded and I smirked.

"You're— You're..."

"I'm Stark's daughter. I'm guessing they're still upstate?"

He nodded.

I sighed, I wish they would stop this whole thing— It was getting out of hand. Who cared if Bucky was under Hydra's influence or not? It didn't matter.

"If any of them come by just tell them I'll be in the lab. If you get bored feel free to join me." I sighed.

He nodded. "There's a lab?" He questioned.

"Huh, you can speak. Come on, I'll show you." I motioned for him to follow me.

We went down to the lab and I set down my bag near my station.

"This is... amazing." The boy breathed, looking around.

"I didn't get your name." I sat down and set up my laptop.

"Uh... Peter. Peter Parker." He looked to me.

"Cool name. What's this?" I picked up a piece of equipment that I hadn't seen before. "Was dad here? Did he make something new?"

"That's— uh— mine. Mr. Stark kind of..."

"Took it?"


"He does that, a lot. If you're staying around you should get used to it. Somehow Bruce found a way around it— I don't know how." I rubbed my head. "So what's it supposed to be?" I held it up. "Something new for Nat?"

"Uh— Sure— Yeah." He nodded.

We worked in the lab for a few hours, not knowing what else to do.

When we finally went back to the living room I was greeted by the strange scene of Steve, Natasha, and Clint, gathered around one of our whiteboards writing details and such around a picture of president Kennedy.

Bucky was off to the side listening to all of the details and absorbing the information.

As soon as Peter saw the group he went into attack mode.

"Woah, woah. No you don't. The tower is neutral. Got it? No fights, no sides here. Upstate, that's where you guys fight. You aren't bringing New York into the fight." I blocked him.

Once he settled down I turned toward the group, who had seen the little attack.

"Where's dad? Is he in town?" I looked to them.

They glanced at each other, uneasy.

"He had to— do some stuff." Steve broke the news.

I sighed. "Of course. What'cha guys doing?"

"Kennedy assassination." Nat looked to the board.

I nodded and examined their work.

They returned to their conversation, all of them talking about different details. Bucky was googling everything off to the side.

Steve, being Steve, included Bucky in the conversation.

"So, Buck, who do you think shot Kennedy?"

"I-I think I did." He looked up with a confused look dawned on his face.

Everyone froze.

"Well then." I pulled Peter into the kitchen.

Sam, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey, and Bruce sat around the island, eating pizza and chatting.

Bruce and I were the only ones that had refused to pick a side, well except for Thor, but he was in Asgard on business.

I took a piece for myself and offered one to Peter, he took it and thanked me.

I finished the piece and looked to the group, "I'll be researching in the park if anyone needs me."

"See ya." Bruce called after me and returned to his conversation.

I went down to the lab and grabbed my bag, then headed out.

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