hey stranger

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   The front door swung open which revealed a wild Dacre Montgomery wearing a smirk.  Alyx put her phone down and smiled at the boy in front of her.  He wore a simple outfit: jeans and grey crew neck that hugged Dacre's obvious muscle.  It was almost the same outfit compared to Alyx in her black leggings and grey zip up jacket.
   The two stared at each other with Dacre and his smirk and Alyx with her shy smile. It seemed like hours, but the two stood for a couple of seconds. Dacre finally broke contact, let go of the duffel bag he was currently holding, slid off the backpack from his back, and stepped closer to Alyx. She let out a laugh as the two finally collided with each other. Dacre laughed into Alyx's shoulder as the two hugged each other tightly.
   "Hey stranger," Alyx said into Dacre's chest. The two let go of each other, and they were finally able to look at each other.  Both were amazed at how each other looked in real time, not on a screen.  Again, they stared at each other for a couple of seconds.
   "Alyx," was all Dacre said before he laughed again.  It was ironic considering Alyx was the one who was worried that she would be awkward, and now Dacre was the one who was lost for words.  "How's my red ranger?" Alyx said.  Dacre retreated back to the bags on the floor, and picked them up.  "I'm good.  How are you?"  Dacre smiled as he finished talking. "I'm really good honestly,"  Alyx answered.
   Alyx then gave Dacre the grand tour of the house and the two finally started to warm up to each other.  By the time the two fell onto the couch, they were no longer silent with each other. 

"What are we going to do today?" 

"I have no idea," Alyx answered.

"What can you even do in Atlanta?"

"I have no idea."

   Alyx went into her phone and tried to find something exciting in Atlanta. She googled exciting things to do, and eventually found herself looking at the various food places the city had to offer.

"Can we get food?" Dacre asked as he looked up from his phone.

"I was just looking up food, what type are we feeling?"

"It's kind of early still, are we feeling brunch?" Dacre smirked.

"Yes, in fact, we are feeling brunch."


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