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private texts
alyx, dacre

are you awake

only for you love

can we talk in living room



   Alyx knew where this conversation could go.  She knew that tearing off this bandaid could ruin everything. Deep in her heart, she knew she had to ask. This was a conversation that was needed. She sat at the circle table that separated the kitchen and living room. In her black sweats, she tried to remember what she talked to Natalia about. The last couple of nights, the two of them told each other about their relationships. This is what Alyx needed to do, to stop her worrying. Dacre came out, a small smile on his face. Alyx couldn't help but offer him a sad smile. She was beyond scared of where this would go. Maybe she was being dramatic, but this was the first time Alyx had to do this. "Why do you look sad?" Dacre asked with a frown. Alyx shook her head, "I'm not sad, but I think that we should talk." Dacre nodded, waiting to hear what Alyx had to say.
   "So I have been thinking, a lot.  About us," Alyx started.  "You aren't breaking up with me, are you?" Dacre asked before reaching for Alyx's hand.  Alyx took his hand and smiled, "Of course not."  The two stared at each other for a couple of seconds.  Dacre knew this day would come, and he just wished that things could be easy. 
   "I go back to New York on Tuesday night," Alyx says quietly.  "My flight to Australia is Wednesday morning," Dacre says, just as quiet as Alyx.  "I've never had to do this before," Alyx says honestly.  Dacre laughs, "Do what?"

"Long distance."

"We can do it.  Look at us, we became so close in only three months.  Distance won't come in the way with that.  I come to New York for work all of the time.  We have upcoming months with Christmas and Thanksgiving, for you," Dacre says with hope in his eyes.

"I just don't know how I would handle this," Alyx said.  She felt a lump growing in her throat.  "It killed me the first month being here without Alex, and he's just my best friend."  She struggled to speak as the lump grew larger.  She was on the verge of tears.  "But you, you are my guy.  My dawg.  I like to look at you, touch you, your hair, your hands.  How does someone do that a million miles apart from each other?" A few years escaped her eyes. 

"Alyx, Aly.  We got this.  We have FaceTime and we are going to visit each other.  You can meet my family, my little sister is dying to meet you.  Alyx we just started this relationship, you can't let go yet.  Can we just try?  Try, Alyx.  If you realize that it's to hard to handle, tell me.  We can end this, but not now.  Please try."  Dacre smiled, and his smile was hopeful.  He wasn't letting Alyx go so easily. 

Alyx wiped her eyes, "I can try.  We can try." She got up and went to Dacre before connecting her lips with his.  They were going to be okay.  Alyx was going to be okay.  All she had to do was try.


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