happy new yea-

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"It's 11:45, everyone grab a popper!" Alyx yelled from the kitchen, opening a bag of poppers for everyone to take. The group decided to stay and watch the Time Square show on television rather then actually being there. Dacre helped open the other bag of poppers while everyone started to grab them. "Can you believe it's almost 2017?" Alyx asked Dacre. "This year has been absolutely amazing," he answered with a smile before kissing Alyx on the lips. "Stop the PDA while minors are present," Finn said as he grabbed a popper from the counter. The two disconnected and laughed in Finn's face. Alyx stuck out her tongue and Finn did the same.
The group all stood in the living room, surrounded by the messy beds and empty food plates. The television was on commercial, for the next time it would turn back on the clock would be striking twelve. The day had been filled with excitement and love. When they all woke up, Dacre and Joe brought donuts for everyone. Alex announced that he wanted to shoot everybody, so the group all got ready. It took them over an hour to get ready, for there was only two bathrooms in the apartment.
It was the first time they had left the apartment in a while, so they were ready to get outside. Millie and Sadie had matching coats that they wore into the cold air. It rained in the morning and started to clear up as the day went on. Alex took turns taking shots of everyone at different locations. He was having a blast. It kept him distracted from everything that was going on in his head, and it also kept him from having alone time with Amelia. Amelia had tried to tell him that Alyx deserved to know what he was feeling, but he felt otherwise. He wasn't going to ruin what she had. He couldn't.
Gaten and Alyx made sure to go to Times Square and see where the kids had preformed on Broadway. Caleb retold his Lion King stories, and Sadie talked about her time as Annie. They ran into a lot of people on the street, constantly being recognized from fans. They didn't mind though, it showed how much people cared about them. Along with going to Times Square, Amelia showed where she lived and the NYU campus that she spent most of her days at. Joe and her never let go of each other's hands, constantly smiling at each other the entire day.
As for Alyx and Dacre, they were amazing. Knowing the two would be together together in only a few short months, made the two closer than ever. Alyx walked with her arm looped through Dacre's wherever they went. She even didn't refuse to kiss him after he drank a coffee. When they were at the bowling alley, Alyx told Dacre she wanted to tell the news to everyone before midnight. Dacre was just as excited, and they both agreed to do it right before the countdown. After bowling until five in the evening, the group had decided to celebrate the new year in the apartment. They stopped by the store, bought poppers and headed back. They all changed into pajamas, and watched movies until it was eleven.

   The television came back from commercial to Ryan Seacrest waiting to countdown the time. Alyx sat on Dacre's lap, waiting to announce their news.

"Okay everyone, before we bring in the new year, Dacre and I have an announcement." Alyx and Dacre both stood up.

"You're pregnant," Joe said with a laugh. The group looked horrified, hoping it was a joke.

"No!" Alyx said defensively. The group sighed with relief.

"Okay, Alyx and I," Dacre started, "Are going to move together to Los Angeles next spring!" Alyx finished.

Everyone smiled and clapped. Until, Alyx locked eyes with Alex. Alex's face dropped, him unable to fake the feelings he had. "I'm sorry, we wanted to tell you all together," Alyx said with a sad smile.

"That means we can hang out all of the time!" Millie said, interrupting Alyx and Alex's conversation.

Alyx hugged Mille, moving on from the conversation between her and her best friend.

Ryan Seacrest started to countdown the seconds to the new year.

"Hurry, it's starting!" Gaten said, preparing the string on his popper.

"10, 9, 8!" They all started to chant.

Amelia locked eyes with Alex across the room. Alex shook his head numerous times, but Amelia refused to listen. She dropped Joe's hand.

"5, 4!" Everyone continued to chant.

Joe, confused reached for her hand. Amelia gave him an apologetic look, and gave the same look to Alex.

As everyone got to chanting one, Amelia opened her mouth.

"Happy New Yea-"

"Alex is in love with Alyx."

Everyone stopped talking as Ryan Seacrest and everyone else in New York City started to celebrate. Alyx dropped Dacre's hand, and looked to Alex who was already trying to get out of the door. Dacre looked at Alyx as she stared at Alex running out the door.

Alyx looked between her best friend and boyfriend.

Dacre nodded at her, knowing who she would choose.

Everyone watched at Alyx Lane ran after Alex Bruce, leaving Dacre Montgomery behind.

Oop ⭐️

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