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"I'm going to be Laurie Strode?"  Alyx laughed into the mirror in front of her.  The makeup artist, Jenny, laughed as she started to tease Alyx's hair.  "Halloween is an iconic movie from the 80's and your character has a special desire to be just like Laurie," Matt Duffer explained from the seat next to her.
   "But Rachel is an asshole who is also badass.  Why would she want to be like a girl who was almost murdered?"  Joe asked while sitting in the chair on the other side of Alyx.  Alyx nodded her head in agreement while Jenny continued to laugh at their conversation.  "Rachel Moreno has more layers than a badass-asshole.  Her vulnerability is shown from the fact that she wants to be a victim so someone will finally care about her.  Just like Billy, she has family problems.  So this is why Laurie Strode is someone who Rachel can relate to," Matt finished with a final sigh, clearly satisfied with his explanation. Alyx and Joe looked at each other in awe, and applauded Shawn. As the two finished clapping, Dacre walked in with a huge smile on his face. "I am ready for the mullet!" He exclaimed. The other artist, Greg, stood up holding Dacre's hair piece. "So am I!" Greg answered.
"Welcome to the trailer of truth," Alyx said to Dacre. After giving her a confused look, Joe chimmed in, "Yeah, Matt is giving us insight to our characters." Dacre was amused and immediately begged Sean to explain Billy Hargrove to him. However, Matt refused, and insisted he had to go to set to prepare for the scene that they were filming.
Eventually, Joe was done with his makeup and hair and left to set to find Natalia. This left Dacre and Alyx alone. Since they're 3am night out, nothing had changed. They remained the same, with the same relationship. If not a stronger relationship, spending every second at each other. The two decided to keep their feelings tucked away, because both of them were scared of rejection.  
The two were finally done with hair and makeup. Alyx had teased hair and some fake blood on her upper arm. She quite literally looked like the brown haired version of Laurie Strode. "Can I be honest with you?" A mullet headed Dacre said as the two walked to set. Alyx laughed, "Of course." Dacre sighed. "I've never seen Halloween so I have no idea who you look like."
Alyx gasped and blocked Dacre from walking onto the set. "Movie night, tonight!" Dacre laughed and grabbed Alyx's hand to lead her onto set. They both put on their wardrobe, Alyx wearing a tattered light blue shirt and dark blue slacks. It was nice to be something that only true Halloween fans would understand. Dacre, however, looked like a complete douche in his outfit. He wore a black leather jacket with his abs revealed, and blue jeans with a black belt. "How do I look?" Dacre asked with a smirk. Alyx just laughed and took his hand to set. To her, his outfit fit the Billy Hargrove look completely, while looking great doing it.
Today, they were at a house filled with teenage extras all wearing 80's themed costumes. Alyx was in awe of all the people around her. The crew started to prepare for the scene they were about to film. Natalia and Joe were going to be huddled in the corner when Dacre and Alyx would come into the scene to attempt to tick off Joe. This would be the domino of Joe and Natalia's characters.
"Ready to piss me off?" Joe asked the two. Alyx and Dacre nodded withchildish grins. Natalia was getting into character, and you could tell she was ready for the intense scene ahead. Everyone was excited for this Halloween party. It was an early episode that the crew waited to film because of the intensity. They wanted real emotion, so they waited for the cast (and crew) to be fully involved with each other.
"Places!" Sean yelled to the extras. Dacre and Alyx took their place outside the screen door, and Dacre and Natalia stood quietly in the corner.  "Action!"

"Billy!  Billy!  Billy!" The crowd of teenagers chant as Billy and his go-to friend Rachel strut inside the raging party inside.  Billy grabs onto loose toilet paper hanging from the ceiling with his cigarette in his mouth.  Rachel takes the cigarette from his mouth and laughs playfully. 

Rachel: "Oh shit!"

Rachel leads Billy to Steve and Nancy with a smirk. 

Rachel: "We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." 

Nancy immediately leaves the room to grab a drink, leaving Steve with Billy and Rachel.  Steve takes off his sunglasses to stare the two in the face. 

"Cut!" The scene is over and Alyx and Dacre sit down on the chairs off camera.

"Killed it," Alyx whispers to Dacre.

"We really did, didn't we," he answers with a smirk.

The two watched as Joe and Natalia continued the scene, where Natalia started to chug an alcoholic beverage while Joe tried to stop her. Next came when Charlie would come and screw thugs up a bit.

"Action!" Sean called.

Nancy pushes open the bathroom door with Steve behind her. Nancy turns on the water with a towel in the sink in an attempt to wipe the spilled punch on her shirt.

Steve: "Nanc, I'm-I'm sorry."

Nancy struggles to wipe the red stain off of her shirt.

Steve: "That's not coming off Nanc."

Nancy: "It's coming."

Steve: "Come on, let me just take you home. Okay? Come here. Let me take you home. Come on."

Nancy: "No! You wanted this!"

Steve: "No I didn't want this. I told you to stop drinking."

Nancy: "That's bullshit!"

Steve: "No, that's not bullshit."

Nancy: "Bullshit!"

Steve: "No, it's not bullshit Nancy."

Nancy: "No, you. You're bullshit."

Steve: "What?"

Nancy: "You're pretending like everything's okay, you know like-like we didn't kill Barb! Like-like it's great like we're in love and we're partying. Yeah, let's party. Party! We're partying! It's bullshit."

Steve: "Like we're in love?"

Steve's hand wraps around Nancy's face.

Nancy: "Bullshit."

Steve: "You don't love me?"

Nancy: "It's bullshit."

Steve leave the room angrily and sadly, leaving Nancy in the bathroom with tears in her eyes.

"Cut! That was amazing!" Sean yells.

   Alyx immediately looked to Dacre who was already looking at her.  She wiped a small tear that came from the intensity of the scene.  Dacre nervously laughed and took Alyx's hand.  "It's going to be okay Aly," he said softly.  Alyx laughed, "That's bullshit."   Natty walks off to the two of them.  "How was it?" She asked.  Alyx engulfed Natalia is a huge hug.  "You freaking killed it what the heck," Alyx said into Natalia's shoulder.  Joe came next, and he joined in the hug along with Dacre. 

"Guys, I love my job," Alyx said to all of them. 

"If that's your way of saying you love us, we love you to," Joe laughed.

They all hugged, and Alyx was completely happy. 

This scene was probably my favorite in season two. Also this is a picture of Laurie Strode from the movie Halloween:

(Also pretty sure the dates match up but if not I love Halloween so wanted it to be included

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(Also pretty sure the dates match up but if not I love Halloween so wanted it to be included.)

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