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It was time for Alyx to move on.  The first thing she did was leave Los Angeles.  First thing March 2nd, she hopped on the first plane back to New York City.  She only sent one text to Alex, telling him she was coming back but leaving out why or what happened.  She wore blue jeans, a white shirt, and an oversized flannel.  Her head was covered with a black hat, eyes covered with black sunglasses.  She was trying to avoid seeing anyone in public.  She had already seen the articles, the comments, the questions.  Although she questioned many of her choices she had made over the last couple of months, taking a break from the media wasn't one of them. 
   Alyx took the window seat in the airplane, keeping her eyes out the window the entire time.  She didn't cry, she wasn't going to.  It was time for her to move on, move forward.  This wasn't something she would allow another month of her life to be consumed with. The flight attendant told the safety instructions as Alyx stared out the window. It felt like everything was going in slow motion, with Alyx moving normally. She watched as the airplane lifted into the air, slowly moving to the clouds. Her eyes felt heavy from the lack of sleep she had received the night before. After fighting it, Alyx finally allowed herself to fall asleep.
She woke up from a tap on her shoulder. It was the flight attendant, and the airplane was empty. She had slept through the entire flight. The entire flight. She stood up, and grabbed her backpack from her feet. As she walked off the airplane, Alyx looked out the windows at the rainy New York sky. It was the perfect weather for how she was feeling. She had to ask to find her bag because her flight had already gotten all of there bags. It was in lost and found, sitting next to the other lost bags.
When she rolled the bag outside, the cold chill hit Alyx's face. She took a breath of the air, and smiled. She was happy to be back in New York City. Although, now that she wasn't moving back to Los Angeles, she didn't know where she would living in the next month. Her lease was almost up. She pushed away these thoughts as she waited for the Uber that would take her home.
Again, her head stayed out the window. The raindrops dropped down the windows of the car, and she watched as they raced to the bottom of the window. The city was already busy, considering it was nine in the morning. People rushing to work with umbrellas, taxi drivers honking at one another. It was a stereotypical New York morning. Almost as if setting up the perfect scene to Alyx's movie.
The driver helped take the suitcase out of his trunk, and drove off as soon as he was done. Alyx started at her apartment building that she hadn't been to in over a month. It was weird to see it again after everything that had happened. The last time she was there, she threw stuff into a suitcase and left without giving anyone an explanation. It still hurt her seeing all of her friends faces as she rushed out of the apartment, leaving Dacre to explain her leaving. She was back though, ready to fix everything she had messed up. Well, almost everything.
The elevator to the twentieth floor felt longer than usual, so Alyx clicked on the 20th button over and over hoping that would help. Finally, the door opened to the hallway she needed to walk down to get to her apartment. She walked slowly, not entirely ready to see Alex again. She hadn't seen him since everything that happened on New Years. It was going to be different now, of course, he had Maya now. A part of her was now jealous that Alex was able to find someone out of the whole situation while Alyx was alone. If it was a so-called love triangle, why hadn't she ended up with anyone in the love triangle? How was she one alone?
Alyx rushed to push away her selfish thoughts because she couldn't have been more happy to see her best friend finally loving someone. He desecrated someone who would love him like that. He finally had. She smiled for Alex as she put the key into the hole. Taking a deep breath, Alyx pushes open the door and grabbed her suitcase from the hallway. The apartment was spotless like it was when she had a meeting in the beginning of January. Alex somehow had kept it that way. She walked to the kitchen counter and looked through the mail that was left on the counter for her. Alex wasn't here.
All Alyx wanted to do was fall asleep in her own bed. She looked out her windows in the living room before walking into her room. She had missed walking out to that view everyday. Alyx ditched her suitcase and backpack as she opened the door to her room that she missed so much. When she walked in though, her heart skipped a beat. She was frozen at the door. Inside her room, Dacre Montgomery sat on her white sheets that covered her bed. He wore a nervous smile as Alyx's jaw dropped. The last thing Alyx saw was Dacre's smile before she jumped onto him, tackling him into the sheets.

"Hi," Dacre said before connecting his lips to hers.

"Unbelievable," Alyx said as she pulled away from him.

"Alyx, I could never be mad at you.  I love you," Dacre said with a smile.  He pulled out purple roses from behind his back.  "Since I missed Valentine's Day," he said a smile.

Alyx smiled, and took the roses. They were okay, and Alyx Lane couldn't have been more happy to be Dacre Montgomery's Valentine.

It's over. I'm so happy how this turned out. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much I did. I absolutely love Alyx Lane. AND BONUS CHAPTERS ARE COMING!!!!

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