three and a half weeks

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@alyx alex, cole, and i

Tagged: @colesprouse @alexbruce
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@username56 THIS IS GOLDEN

@user2 looking good alyx!

@colesprouse #selfie

@alexbruce we look great

@usrnae why is cole sprouse with them
             | @alyx lex & cole are photographing together!!

@usernaeme we love random famous people with other random famous people

@usernme56 haven't seen cole sprouse since zac and cody
              | @alyx ironically same

@dacremontgomery AS PRETTY AS EVER
              | @alyx uh, manz?


   It had been three and half weeks.  Alyx was slowly adjusting to everyday life again.  She spent her mornings making blueberry oatmeal and Alex made his eggs and bacon while they listened to music.  To avoid any sadness of being away from Dacre, she kept herself busy by throwing herself into work.  Alyx started to write again, a hobbie that she perused throughout her childhood.  Along with her own work, she tagged along with Alex to many of his shoots, helping in anyway that she could.
   Her and Dacre made it a rule to call each other at least once a day, to keep in touch completely.  It made things easier knowing that he would join her in New York City for his birthday and they would fly to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving. The only time she ever allowed herself to feel down was at night, as she stared out her window into the city and thought about the way she missed him.  Of course, this only lasted for a little before she threw the covers on her bed off of her and watched tv until her eyes burned.
Now, Dacre was flying in tomorrow. She woke up at five in the morning, and she kept herself busy by cleaning the entire apartment. Alyx started with living room, waking Alex up with the vacuum. "What are you doing?" A sleepy Alex asks. "Cleaning," Alyx said with a smile. "It's five in the morning," Alex said with a groan. Alyx answered by turning the vacuum back on. After cleaning the rest of the living room, she disinfected the entire kitchen. Finally, her room. Alyx wondered why she was stressing out so much. It was Dacre. He wouldn't care what her room looked like, yet here she was wiping down every surface. She missed him more than she thought she would. It had been a month, and Alyx was worried that things would change. Feeling would change. Just as she had these thoughts, her phone started to ring. Dacre's name on the screen popped up, and she took a deep breath before answering.

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