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     It was the last time she would be in her New York City apartment.  Alyx stood in the kitchen, leaning on the counter, in awe of the empty living room.  Alex was next to her, with his hand in Alyx's.  It seemed so surreal to see the room empty of the furniture they had bought together and the food organized on the shelves near the fridge.  Their view of the city was as beautiful as ever, and Alyx couldn't help but let a few tears fall from her eyes.

"I can't believe we're leaving," Alyx said as she wiped her tears.

"The end of an era," Alex said, squeezing her hand.

"Remember when we moved in, with no furniture, with no plan and we had to eat microwave ramen on the floor for six months?"

"How could I forget eating the same chicken flavored bowl for months?" Alex said with a laugh.  They both imagined their 19 year old selves sitting on the hard wood floor with their cups of ramen. 

    When they decided to move, both of their parents thought they were crazy.  Alex only had the money he made from the summer job at the grocery store near their houses.  Alyx has more money from her modeling and small acting jobs, but that money went towards paying the rent for the apartment.  Needless to say, they were in way over there heads. 
   They had been in the apartment for only eight months when Alyx left to Los Angeles to audition for The Flash, and Alyx had started to grow his photography.  That Christmas, Alyx heard she got the part and Alex was asked to shoot the red carpet looks at an upcoming award show.  Everything changed after that.  The two finally bought furniture, they weren't eating ramen for every meal, and they met Amelia. 
   Five years later, here they were moving out of the apartment.  With Alex moving to Portland to be closer to his parents and his new girlfriend.  With Alyx moving not only back to Los Angeles near her family but also moving to Australia near her boyfriends family.  This was the end of the Alex and Alyx era.  After so long.  They let go of each other's hands, and they do a last check in the rooms to make sure everything is gone. 
   Finally, they meet back in the living room.  They stare out of the window and laugh.  The sun is setting, and they know they both have planes to catch.  Alyx turns towards Alex and pulls him into a hug.  "I love you so much Lex, I'm going to text you everyday," She says into his shoulder.  "I love you too, Lyx." He says quietly.  She pulls back to see her best friend with tears in his eyes.  Of course, this makes her lose it and they both laugh at how dramatic they're making this.  They walk to the door, leaving the keys on the counter.  Before closing the door, they touch the small A+A on the wall that they drew on the first day they moved in.  It's the end of one chapter, and the start of another. 

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