a matter of time

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   The first day passed by seamlessly.  Alyx, Dacre, and Joe were to be on set at 7:00 in the morning. Alyx watched Joe and Dacre get their coffee, and she watched disgustingly when they drank the first drink with satisfaction on their faces. On set, Joe strutted in and laughed with the crew that were all strangers to Dacre and Alyx. Joe, of course, knew everyone and he introduced them to the two strangers. Alyx's introverted side was coming out, but everyone she met was going to be her best friends in the future.   Since it was only the first official day, Alyx got her script and got fitted for her characters costume.  Everyone was happy, and full of energy, for this would be the new normal for the next two months.
   Everything seemed to be falling into place.  Alyx had a career that was blossoming, she met incredible new people, and she still had her support system back home.  There was nothing that could possibly make Alyx fall apart.  Except, there was.  A weight had been following her around since getting to Atlanta.  It was the same feeling she felt when she was graduating high school, except at a higher scale. 
   Everything around her was changing, fast.  She was going to be apart from Alex for longer than anytime.  Alex was never found without Alyx.  It's the sun and the moon, together.  Even filming The Flash, Alex came to LA with her, and she was able to be at home with her family along with filming with a group of people.  She longed to hold Alex and his big heart.  This was how it had always been.  Alyx grew up in a small town in Southern California, and she didn't exactly love it there.  Her childhood was good, but she was the oldest so she was always put to a higher standard.  It was Alyx, who slayed the dragon.  It was Alyx, who spiked an interest in entertainment.  It was Alyx, who left the house first. 
  But, Alyx found Alex.  It was junior year of high school when Alex Bruce walked into the class and immediately feel in love with Alyx Lane.  It was nothing like the movies, for Alex and Alyx didn't talk until several months later when the two were sat next to each other.  The two souls were made for each other, and they quickly became a pair.  It was never romantic, though.  Everyone would always ask if the two were a couple, but they never thought of that.  Of course, they explored that option, but it never felt the way they hoped it would feel.  Instead, they knew that what they had was beyond a relationship, beyond high school.  And so now, A was without her A, leaving her without a backbone.
That was until she met Dacre Montgomery. It had been a long time since Alyx met someone that remotely resembled Alex Bruce. Of course, Alyx was good friends with a lot of guys, and she appreciated all of the men in her life. However, Alyx never clicked with guys like she had hoped. They always hyped her up, complimented her, but they were never interested in her romantically. Alyx was always just a friend. She was usually okay with that because her heart already was given to Alex, but when she was alone, and listening to Adele, she felt like she needed another someone to fill her heart. And that's the possibility she saw with Dacre.  But she was scared of taking that leap of faith. 
In the next trailer over, Dacre Montgomery sat with his script in his hand. He had been thinking about Alyx Lane since she was announced to be in the show with him. He remembered seeing the Instagram post and immediately felt something. He wasn't a lonely person, he loved the people in his life. His career had been growing, and his friends and family in Australia were always being supportive.
Yet, he always felt something missing. He never had a friendship or relationship that was like Alyx Lane and Alex Bruce. Dacre constantly reminded himself that Alyx could never think of him more than a friend because of her and Alex. Dacre thought that Alyx was not only beautiful, but she was the type of person that would smile even on dark days.
The two 20 something year olds sat in their trailers, thinking about the other, being completely oblivious to how wrong the other one was. One thing they agreed on though, was how lucky they were to have met each other. It was only a matter of time before they fell for each other.

First act edited ⭐️

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