Chapter 6: How the Time has Gone By

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*present time: Year Of 2018*
*Taina POV*

"Tai! Please tell us about your new album! Fans are dying to know!" A lady with a microphone says. She holds it up to me, but my body guard pushes her away. Paparazzi has become even worse these days. They're always asking whether I'm dating someone, or if I like another singer. It's annoying.
"Tai! Is it true your collaborating with the Kpop idols BTS?" Another reporter asks.

Who the frick is BTS?

My body guards lead me inside of the company building. My manager wants to have a meeting with me. It might be about this collaboration crap. I'm seated at an empty table when my manager walks in.
"Taina! It's good to see you." He says.
"Good you see you too sir." I reply shaking his hand.
"I wanted to let you know. You know that this Kpop genre is literally taking over America lately?"

I kinda knew. Kaitlyn called me the other day, and talked about it. Oh Kaitlyn. I missed her. I wondered how she was doing.

"I do." I state.
"Good. Good. One of the artists, BTS, they're a seven member group, and they have one member who happens to be the leader, who speaks fluent in English and..." I cut him off.
"And you want us to collaborate. You know I don't collaborate with anyone sir." I explain. I don't. I've only collaborated with one other artist, and absolutely hated it.
"I know the last one was a bust, but this one is great. I'll show you their work. Rap Monster's lyrics are..."
"Rap monster? Really?" I complain, stifling my laugh.
"Yes Taina. But seriously his lyric work is absolutely beautiful, and worth looking in to. Please...." he asks me.
I sigh but agree. "Fine, but you have to show me first."

He laughs and claps his hands in excitement. He turns on the projector, and plays a song called DNA. It's catchy, and their edits are really good. But then I pay attention for eh members a little more. The one who's rapping sounds familiar.

Who is it.

"KIM NAMJOON?!?" I yell, and my manager falls to the ground.

*Namjoon POV*
    "WE WON TOP SOCIAL ARTIST. WE WON TOP SOCIAL ARTIST." Jimin yells pacing the floor. The trophy is in Yoongi's hands.
    "I think we know that Jimin." I say, and everyone laughs. Bang PD has called us all for a meeting at his office. Something about a collaboration.
    "Boys! Congratulations!" He says and we all cheer. When we're all calmed down, he explains to us about a new project.
    "I want you guys to collaborate with an American artist, mostly Namjoon." He explains. "Her name is Tai and she's a very good writer and singer. I've talked with her manager already, and we've decided it's a good idea. What do you think?"
    "I think it's a great idea." I explain. Bang PD smiles and turns to the TV in the room, to put on a song from Tai. She's absolutely gorgeous. But looks familiar.




Yoongi spits out his water.


*Kaitlyn POV*

"18 year old male. Car crash. Major injuries. He's not awake doctor." My nurse explains to me. The boy has dark brown hair. Probably dark brown eyes. His breaths are unsteady.
"Get him to a empty surgery room." I say. "Prepare for an emergency surgery." I page some other doctors to come down to help me with the operation.

. . .

I'm finally done with the surgery. It's about 11:36 pm now. Time to go home. I open the door to my apartment, breathing in the fresh apartment air. I can't wait to go to sleep. I turn on the TV, and get some yogurt from the fridge to eat. The news is on.
"Kpop idols 'BTS' planning on collaborating with Tai?" I cough on my yogurt. I pick up my phone and call Taina right away.

Pick up pick up pick up.

"Hello?" Her voice is tired.
"TAINA?! You didn't tell me you were collaborating with kpop idols." I yell. She yelps.
"Yeah. Calm down alright? OH SHIT WAIT." She says.
"Yeah?" I ask. But then I can't hear her, because now, on the TV I see BTS, and before I didn't know who they were until I saw someone familiar.


Love my typos. ❤️💜❤️💜

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