Chapter 7: Over

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*Taina POV*
    Today is the day. I'm going to see Namjoon.

Don't panic don't panic don't panic......

    "Tai! It's so nice to meet you!" A man walks into the building and shakes my hand. Bang PD.
    "It's nice to meet up ad well sir." I say and he laughs.
    "Such respect. BTS is very excited to meet you." Bang PD explains. He's sincere. Are they really?

No Taina. You're mad at Namjoon. Don't forget.

    "I am as well." I answer, and I see 7 gorgeous men walk into the building. And millions of fan girls trying to tackle them. I try to see Namjoon. All the familiar boys are looking at me. Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, And Jungkook. They're all gorgeous. And seem much more mature now. The maknae line looks at me happily. But Namjoon can't even see my face. They stuff us into a room together, and as soon as they close the door and we're alone, Jimin springs up.
    "Taina! We've missed you! I've missed you. You're even more hot now! OMG." He says. I laugh at him, remembering how cute he was.
    "It's been so long!" Taehyung says and Jungkook nods in agreement. We all trade phone numbers and I slip in Kaitlyn's to everyone too, just to scare her.
    "So how is Kaitlyn anyway...?" Yoongi asks. I smile at him.
    "Busy as fuck." I explain. He has a confused face, but Namjoon interrupts.
    "That's enough. We have work to do." Namjoon says. He's right. They look tired however, probably from the plane ride
    "Don't you guys want to settle first?" I ask. Namjoon was about to complain when Jungkook takes my arm.
"Actually. We were wondering if you could show us around our new apartment. It's near yours!" Jungkook exclaims. I smile and nod at him.

The car ride is pretty quiet, with little laughs from some jokes thrown into the mix. Namjoon refuses to look at me and looks out a window instead.
"So how ya been all these years Taina?" Hoseok asks me.
"I've been well, and you guys?" I ask them.
"You know Taina," Jimin starts. "Living the Kpop dream." We all laugh at him. He's still my cute little mochi. Kaitlyn missed them too, but I don't think she's ready to just see them yet.
"So you guys live in the same building as me?" I ask. They smile.
"For now. Until we go back to Korea of course." Namjoon snaps. He doesn't even look away from the window. Ouch. Well you now what? I don't care....
"Oh just ignore him Taina. He's just salty because he wants alone time with you. We're bothering him. He's missed you the most anyway." Jin explains. I blush but glare towards my ex best friend. To lighten the mood I decide to call Kaitlyn.





"Hey this is Kaitlyn! Sorry I missed the call, I'm probably really busy, I'll try to calm you later. Promise!"

I leave a message.

"YAH! Why are you always busy you??" I yell into my phone. The boys give me a weird look but I wave them off.

Finally we get into the building and we go to the top floor. They're living in the biggest room there is. Damn. We get inside and Jimin sees a couch and plops down onto it.
"Oh yeah. This is nice." He says and I giggle at his cuteness. Then Kaitlyn calls me.
"I'm sorry I missed your call bitch. What do you want?" She asked me.
"Hi to you too. Damn Kaitlyn calm down." Yoongi shoots his eyes to me as soon as I say her name.
"Don't tell me your with them right now..." Kaitlyn starts.
"I might be..." I say.
"Then go have fun. I have another surgery in like 1 hour." She explains.
"Ooooo. Who?" I ask. I always ask her that.
"Idk yet. I think it's a little boy. I have to go." She explains. "Love you!"
"Love you too asshole." I say and she yells but I hang up.

To my surprise Yoongi doesn't ask me anything.

Maybe he doesn't care?

No he totally does.

Namjoon still doesn't even spare me a look. It's like I'm nothing to him. I help them unpack and Namjoon asks me to help him unpack his stuff in his room. He sets up his computer while I set up his speakers.
"Can you plug it in?" He asks, handing me a cord. I do as he says, and everything turns on. He looks in amazement. All settled down. He sits in his desk chair and looks up to me. I'm just standing awkwardly.
"I'm just gonna go then." I mutter out and try to leave the room.
"Wait!" Namjoon says as I touch the door handle. "Let's talk Taina."
"It's not like you wanted to do that 5 years ago." I complain. He's taken aback, but tries again.
"Taina. I know I was a total asshole back on that day. And I'm sorry, but we're gonna work on an album together, so we should just put he past behind us. Right?" Namjoon explains. I feel my blood boil as I remember what had happened 5 years ago.
"Put the past behind me? The past where you said that we shouldn't be friends anymore because we were in different countries. Because we were both gonna be famous? You couldn't handle that? Are you just gonna repeat that same thing when you go back to Korea Namjoon?" I yell.
"Taina please... I...." Namjoon starts. I don't let him finish.
"No Namjoon, this conversation is over." I say and I get out of his room and slam the door closed. The boys look at me apologetically and I wave them off again.
"Have a nice stay." I say and go back to my apartment. I call Kaitlyn.
"Yeah?" She answers almost immediately. I begin to tear up about what just happened. My voice cracking a little.
"C-Can you come over when your done with work?" I ask. She can hear me sniffle.
"I'm coming up now." She says.

A few seconds later, I open the door to my best friend holding ice cream and cookies.

Probably some typos. Sowey. ;-;

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