Chapter 13: Wrong

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"You're doing it wrong stupid." I complain to him as he was boiling the noodles with a knife. A knife.


We were back from the concert and it was late, but the boys were starving and put Namjoon and I on dinner duty.

Which was obviously a huge mistake.

"What do you mean?" He asks, looking at the pot to see what he was doing wrong.

I smacked the back of his head and took the knife from his hands, giving him chopsticks instead. "Why were you using a knife?"

"I don't know. I just found it and thought 'might as well use this then' right?"

I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"I- I don't even know anymore. Just sit over on that chair there and just watch me."

"Alright." Is all he says, walking over to the chair and sitting down.

I boil the noodles, correctly this time and over hear the conversation in the living room.

"You guys really did great!" I hear Kaitlyn say, only for Yoongi to answer her, "but I was the best right?"

Why don't they just date already?

I hear Yoongi whine in pain. "What was that for?"

"All of you guys did well, equally. Stop counting yourself as the only one."

I chuckle a bit, but then I feel the sense of someone watching me.

I turn around to see Namjoon staring straight at me. Only to look away when I catch him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I say, and laugh at how red he turned.

"I was thinking Taina." Namjoon says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I was thinking we could go to the mall like we used to when we were younger."

I smile at him.

I remember when we used to go. I'd go with Kaitlyn, Namjoon and Yoongi. At times, I even went to go sing live.

"That sounds great Namjoon. I'm sure Yoongi and Kaitlyn would love that."

His face turned. Turned into a face of disappointment. Making me realize that he wanted to go alone. Only us two.

"Or uh. We could just go too. Whatever you want."

"Well I don't care. If you want kaitlyn to come that's fine by me."


"DO I SMELL SOMETHING BURNING?" Jin yells from the living room, causing me to whip my head at the stove where all the water had gone away and there were only burnt noodles left.

I have been standing here for that long?

I sighed and tuned the stove off.

Jin came into the kitchen. "I knew I couldn't leave you two alone to cook. You would've burnt the whole building down if I hadn't said anything."

He pushes me aside and takes the pot off of the stove, replacing the burnt noodles with new ones.

"You two out of the kitchen immediately."

Namjoon and I laugh making our way out of the kitchen.

"They're playing truth or dare out there. Such children, it'll be better with me in here. Have fun guys!"




New chapter maybe tomorrow

Don't Forget // Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now