Chapter 16: What About Me?

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A/N: Look at the photo I found! :D

Author's POV

The night ended quickly, with Taina leaving the house abruptly, without a word. Not even a sound. And Namjoon smacking his head against the dining room table, only for Jin to yell, "don't ruin my damn table Joon!"

Taina wasn't sure how to feel. It really wasn't any of the member's faults right?

Should be, considering the boys , one by one told Namjoon off. All except Yoongi, who had actually been there with him at the time.

"It's alright dude. They'll come around." Yoongi explains to try and comfort his friend. For he understood too. He was there with him. It was only a matter of time before Taina had found or anyway.

. The Next Day .

Taina POV

"It was a complete train wreck Kaitlyn." I explain to her through the phone.

"It really went that bad after I left?" She asks me. "It didn't seem that bad."

"Well It was. You should've hear what Namjoon said to me, you would have freaked." Kaitlyn chuckled, and I hear her cough through the phone.

"Sorry I almost choked on my matcha latte." She says, and laughs right after. Luckily for me, she was on break, meaning I could rant to her all I wanted.

"What did he even say? I mean, it's obvious he's not that good with words. But I don't know. He's usually the big guy to make an emotional speech for army."

"So what about me? His 'supposed' best friend? Like how stupid could you get? Just because we're friends doesn't mean you can treat me any less than others right?" I complain further, tossing more Cheetos into my mouth.

"That literally makes no sense Taina. What did he say?" Kaitlyn asks again, getting more intrigued as the conversation went on.

"He literally told me that we couldn't be friends because he thought that I wanted to leave him too. Like it was some 'mutual agreement'. Without even like talking to me about it!" I complain, recalling the incidents that had occurred last night. "Why would I want to leave him, he was one of my bestest friends! How could you just leave you friend? Leave them in the dust so easily?"

"I see your point. But I do also see Namjoon's." Kaitlyn says, causing me to almost choke on my snacks.

"You what?"

"Look T. I know it's bad. What he did was bad alright? I do agree with that, because it's not good to just leave your friends, one without an explanation, and two making them think that they don't care about them. What he did was horrible, and he should have reached out to you sooner. But look at it in his perspective. He was literally about to debut with Yoongi and the other boys, and you had already sent in your application to work for a company in the US. The US Taina. Namjoon was probably terrified of what would happen to your friendship. Not only that, but he probably had a bug crush on you then, and he was just scared what the distance would do to you two. Right?"

"But why leave. Why not just talk to me..?" I ask, almost getting where Namjoon had come from.

"We both know how shy he was Taina. Especially in front of you. He always wants to show off. Never show his soft side. It's too late for that now, but it's not too late for a change. Not too late for you guys to be friends. Possibly something more?" Kaitlyn says. But I can't say anything back. The call is now silent and Kaitlyn simply sighs.

"Bro. I got to go back to work now. We've been called in for a surgery. But just, just think about what I just told you. Okay?" She says, and at that moment I think of a comeback.

"And what about Yoongi? Is it too late for you and him?" I ask.

"Taina, I really think it is. But it's okay. You're always worrying about me and our other friends, look out for you and find your own happiness for a change. If you're happy I'm happy. Alright? I got to go now. Bye bye!" And at that. She hangs up.

Find my own happiness?

How am I going to do that?

It only takes a few seconds for my phone to ring again.

With Namjoon's name popping up in the lock screen.


A/N: I sincerely apologize.

There must be a lot of mistakes in this chapter and I promise I will fix it soon.

Also sorry it is a bit short.

1. Because I thought I should just give you a cliffhanger to be mad at me

2. Because I have a massive headache at the moment and I think it's because of the lack of sleep but that okieee lmao.

Anyway. I will edit it soon, and I hope you liked this chapter, because were finally getting to see why Namjoon really had to stop being friends. Or why he thought he had to.

Have a good day everyone!

PS. don't know about you, but I love this chapter name uwu.

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