Chapter 12: All the Fans

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"1 2 3! Hello we are BTS!" The boys day all together as they stand on the stage proudly.

I am still standing back stage, unmoved and shocked at how unfazed the boys are after performing three songs right after the other.

"Good evening ARMYs!" Namjoon starts. Just the sound of his voice already causes me to loose the balance I once had.

"He's loud isn't he?" Kaitlyn complains rubbing her ears. I giggle. 

"Yeah, he always is." 

"Today ARMYs, we will have a few of you join us here up on stage." Yoongi explains excitedly. 

"Alright, all of you have received a card when coming in today correct? It should have a number on it." Jimin asks. 

Everyone nods. 

Unfortunately Kaitlyn and I didn't have any card but I guess it was alright since we got to see them a lot anyway. 

"Alright, we will call out seven numbers for seven members, and if your number is called please join us on stage." Taehyung says cutely. 

"Alright, number 18, number 598." 

"Number 267. Number 1,993."

"Number 635. Number 346." 

Namjoon was the last one to choose. "And number 13." 

There were screams of excitement in the crowd. One by one seven gorgeous girls came on stage and stood next to the boys, each of them assigned to one. 

Number thirteen being next to Namjoon. She was awfully close to Namjoon. 

Even Kaitlyn was mad, and the girl near Yoongi wasn't even that close. "Looks like someone's jelly Kaity." I teased, but she simply stuck her tongue out at me. 

"Says the one who's bright red and is glaring at Namjoon." Kaitlyn complains. "Well damn that girl is close to him." 

Number thirteen was so close that Namjoon could probably feel her breathing on him. I clenched my fists. 

She should respect his personal space. Especially since she is someone Namjoon had never met before. 

"Alright everyone. Please say your name and you bias, and why." Jimin explained. Each girl kindly introduced themselves and chose their biases. Then it came to numbe thirteen. "I'm Lee Nari. And my bias is Kim Namjoon, the only hottest member of BTS." Namjoon laughed slightly at this. 

"I'm sure the rest of the members are just as gorgeous as this egg." Namjoon assured, motioning towards himself. The girl however shook her head at this. 

"Honestly, BTS would be trashw without you oppa. You're the only talented one here." 

And that's when everyone snapped. The audience screamed at the girl, throwing trash towards the stage, until Taehyung  came up. 

"Alright alright everyone. Calm down, I definitely don't agree and I can see you guys don't as well, but she can share her own opinion." The crowd's screams and yells died down after that, and everyone ended up just glaring at Nari for the rest of the time. 

.     .    .    

After a few games, the concert had ended, and Namjoon was coming backstage. 

"That girl was a brat. She's horrible." I told Namjoon. He smiled at me happily. 

"I guess so. All of us are definitely equally talented. But I did like the praise." 

And at that I smacked the back of his head. 





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