Chapter 9: stab in the back

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    "The old days where you stabbed me in the back." I retorted. He opened his mouth wide in awe. It almost seemed sarcastic, as his hands went to cover his mouth. His eyes stared at me, maybe almost tears coming out.

He laughs.

    "Haha. Really Taina? You can't keep having this grudge for me. We were young!" He explains, practically yelling. I roll me eyes.

    "Are you kidding me Namjoon?" I say. I look away from him. "You said that we couldn't be friends because you were staying here in Korea, and I was gonna make my big hit in America. The distance was 'too bad for you'."

    Namjoon's smiling face, softens to a solemn stare. He seems to understand my reasoning. I continue. "Did you know how I felt. When my best friend just told me that he didn't want to be my friend anymore, because I wanted to chase my dreams? You really had to make me choose?"

He seems quiet now. He looks towards his computer.

   "Did I really mean nothing to you? Our friendship? Was your music more important than me? Than Kaitlyn?" I complained. I felt like my head was going to explode. I felt as if all the crying, all the sadness and anger I felt when leaving to America that year, was all coming back to me. The memories were swarming into my brain, reminding me about what had happened so many years ago. The hate, the rejection, being forgotten. Now watching him get famous, without his old friends. Without me. I could feel tears streaming down my face. They weren't a lot. I feel as if I lost all of my tears when Namjoon first let me go. Now it was making more, with this.
I achieved my dream right? I made my big break. So why am I so hung up on a guy whom I loved years ago? Especially one who left me.
"Did we really mean nothing? Did you have to show your fake love to m-." My voice cracked at the last word. Tears began steaming down my face. I covered my face, as Namjoon stood up and ran towards me.

"No. No Taina, it was never like that. Cause you see..." he starts. "I-I really like and care about you. I did and still do. I never stopped. I cried for nights when you left. I cried when I said that to you. You blocked my phone right after. I thought you hated me. I thought you wanted to get rid of me, because I'm so stupid."

He began to cry as well.

"Taina, I was, am, and forever will be....

Not edited.

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