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"You want to come over this weekend? I was thinking we could do a movie marathon." Nathan's voice was quiet over the phone, maybe even slightly hesitant.

"I'm sorry. Not this weekend. My brother is coming to visit. Maybe next weekend Nate?" I said apologetically. I heard the slight sigh and felt a little bad. He was my best friend, Nathan Finnegan was, and I swear he had the patience of a saint.

"Okay. Can I come for movie night at least?" He replied. I was nodding before I even got the words out.

"You bet! We are seeing the new Marvel flick Sunday night, same time as always." I said eagerly. I heard a grunt of approval from the other end of the line.

"See you at seven then." I heard my mom calling up the stairs and my attention veered.

"Honey! Your brother just pulled up! Come on down and say hello!" She yelled sweetly.

"Ah yeah. I gotta go. They're here." I said into the phone. "Just a minute mom! I'm on the phone with Nate!"

"It's okay. Bye." His voice quietly murmured before hanging up. I dropped my phone on the bed and tore out of my room like the hounds of hell were chasing me. Halfway down the stairs the front door opened and my favourite person in the world stood there smiling. I jumped off the third stair up, landed with a crash and threw myself into his arms.

"Greg! I missed you!" I yelled.

"Hey Brad my man. How the hell are ya." He hugged me tightly back and I closed my eyes in pleasure. My older brother was the best. He smelled like soap and paint.

"Hey champ. Think you can let my husband breathe some time soon?" I looked up and grinned into a pair of green eyes.

"Hey Mark. How is my new video game coming?" I sassed at him. He rolled his eyes and gave me a noogie while I squirmed away.

"Great, but it's not your video game. It's my client's project. So forget it." He gave me a stare down while I looked at him innocently.

"Whaaa?" I tried.

"Yeah I know you were hoping to preview it. The answer is no." He gave my mom a hug and handed her some of his famous cookies. I followed my mom to the kitchen after the prize and snuck one out of the container when she turned to get glasses for milk.

"Awww. Come on." I took a big bite and grabbed a half glass of milk, downing it in one go. He shook his head at me from the living room doorway and disappeared. I sauntered in the room after them in time to see our dad crush them both in a hug. I chewed the mouthful I had and then shoved the rest in my mouth.

I really wish I was like them. My dad and my brother were both amazing. Both were tall and nicely built, probably from eating healthy and exercising. I was strong, but I still hadn't hit my growth spurt. At least that's what my mom kept reassuring me.

I looked a lot like her. I had her blond hair and brown eyes, unlike both of them. Sometimes I thought about dying my hair or trying to wear contacts so I would feel like I fit in with them. Greg told me I was perfect the way I was and to never change. My dad said I took after the better looking parent, so I guess it was fine.

It just wasn't always easy living inside my head. I was eighteen years younger than my favourite brother. My parents were great, and my younger sister was a blast... but sometimes I just wish that we had grown up together. That we had more in common to talk to each other about. Sometimes I wished we lived in the same house and were... more like normal brothers.

"Greggie!" The shout from the door had me looking over my shoulder at my younger sister as she barreled into the room. For a fifteen-year-old, she had a ton of energy. Her blue eyes sparkled, her brown curls bounced and her small body launched into our brother's arms for a hug.

"Hey Izzy. How's my favourite sister?" He asked her. She giggled.

"I am your only sister stupid. I am great! I tried out for cheerleading and I made the team. I also found an amazing pink sweater on sale at the mall. Check it." She crowed and spun around to show off the see through scrap of fabric that hung from her shoulders. I scoffed.

"Whatever Lizard. You call that clothing? I have seen Ziploc bags that covered more." I retorted rudely with a grin. She stuck out her tongue at me and I made a face.

"Bradley cut that out or your face will stick that way." My mom said to me as she passed out the rest of the refreshments to everyone. I tried to take another cookie but she smacked my hand until everyone else had taken one first.

"Hey, is it okay if I invited Nate over for movie night?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes.

"Again? You know it is usually customary to ask permission first before you invite someone." She drolly stated with a smile.

"That only counts for other people. Nate's family. Or practically family anyways. Besides, you like him." I blinked my eyes at her and she patted my cheek.

"Alright, alright. You know I won't say no." She condescended. I whooped with glee and danced about, my sister pushing me roughly when I got too close. I ignored her and flopped on the couch next to Greg. This was going to be the best weekend ever.

A/N It begins again...

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