I'm Back In California!

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I took a deep breath as I breathed in the fresh air in California. I missed this place. But I missed Sabrina more.

"Yo, Y/N!" I heard my best friends scream, and I was tackled in a hug from Jake and Becca.

"Hey guys." I said hugging them back tightly. I felt something warm drop on my back and I pulled away to see Jake crying.

"Jake what's wrong?" I asked, deeply concerned for my friend.

"He missed you so much. Him and Sabrina has been crying since you left." Becca explained and Jake nodded still crying.

"Guys have feelings too." He said, and I gave him a side hug.

"Well I'm back now. No need to cry you, big baby." I said and pinched Jake's cheek, making him laugh.

"I suppose you're right." He said, and wiped the tears off his face. I looked around and expected to see the rest of my friends, but saw nobody.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked them, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Sabrina is at the studio. Sarah is with her boyfriend, Peyton. Rowan is with Corey and they are at a campaign, I think." Jake said.

"Well what's been happening since I've been gone?" I asked, getting my luggage and putting them in my car. We all got in and I started driving back to my house.

I stopped talking to them the day I left. I've gotten better since I've been by myself. I'm not completely okay, but I'm getting better.

"Well you missed prom and our graduation, so it wasn't as special as would have been if you were there." Becca said.

"I'm sorry guys." I apologized.

"It's fine. We all understand why you left." She said.

"How was everyone?" I asked, wanting to know if they were okay.

"There was a change. We all have felt it but decided not to comment on it. Without you, we all felt that something was missing. We never really hanged out all together. There was always at least one person missing." Jake said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Sabrina was the first to stop. Sure she still talked to us, but everytime we decided to go somewhere, she would bail. We noticed that she never really smiled when we saw her, and if she did, you could tell that she wasn't happy." Jake started and then Becca finished for him.

"Then Jake stopped coming and with Jake followed Corey. Rowan and I were the only ones left." She said.

"Oh." That was the only thing I could say. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"But enough about us. How are you doing?" Jake asked, messing with my hair.

"Me? I'm doing better. I'm not completely okay yet, but I'm getting there. I applied to UCLA and got in. School starts next month." I said and I stopped at my place.

"Really?! Girl, we got in, too!" We all screamed in excitement.

"Thank goodness! I didn't want to be there by myself!" I said, and put my things inside of my house. My mom and grandma isn't home yet, so I went back inside my car.

"I'm driving." Becca said, and I gave her my keys and sat in the passenger seat.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To somebody that needs to see you." She said and I kept quiet until she stopped at a
studio, where I think Sabrina is. I don't think that I've been here before.

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