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My friends had left after a couple hours. Sabrina decided to stay and spend the night. The weekend had started and she didn't have to do anything the next day.

"Can I read it now?" She asked, looking at the journal in her hands.

"Are you sure you want to read that? No matter whatever's in there?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes. What page am I supposed to start on?"

"Whatever page you want. You can start reading now." She opened to the first page and started reading.

I grabbed my Teddy bear that she got me, and held it.

Sabrina's POV

Dear Diary, no too cliche. Dear Journal, my friends haven't talked to me at all since they left. We said that we would keep in touch, but it seems like they forgot.

The first day of high school is tomorrow and usually I would be excited but I'm not. I always thought that it would be Rowan, Sabrina, and I that would be walking through the high school doors together. Funny how things worked out.

I'll try to stay positive and think on the bright side. Just like I always have. I have to stay strong for not only other people, but myself as well.

Until Next Time, Bearbear.

"You've had this journal for 5 years?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered. I turned to the next page and read the second entry.

Dear Journal,

I don't know what to say, or if I want to write about what happened today. Maybe if I write about it, I might feel better.

I met this boy today. I think his name as Jake. He wanted to hang out. Just as friends of course so I said sure. I didn't think that it would be a bad thing. I was wrong.

I was on my way to meet him in front of the school when someone pulled me into the bathroom. I was confused when I saw it was Taylor and some other girls. I was confident at first and then they tackled me when I started walking out the door. I suddenly felt sharp pain in one of my legs and I looked down to see that Taylor had cut me. She stopped after I had agreed to stay away from him. They left me there and I was left a crying mess.

I'm never talking to anyone again.

Until Next Time, Y/N

I flipped through a couple of pages and found a page that caught my attention. I don't know why, but that page just stuck at for me.

Dear Journal,

It's my fault. It's all my fault. I wasn't good enough for her. She chose to be with somebody else.

Maybe it's for the best. She deserves someone who never causes her problems, who is gorgeous, who is... not me.

Even though I'm mad at her, I can't help but feel sad. It's like I wasn't meant to be with anyone. I was never meant to be happy. Everybody always leaves me so I should have known that she would've.

I'm sorry that I didn't make you happy. I'm sorry that I'm not good enough. I'm sorry.

If there's a next time, Y/N.

If there's a next time? I thought. What did she mean by that?

Dear Journal,

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