New Singer on the Rise

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(2 months later)

A new singer is up and on the rise. Y/F/N Y/L/N is getting more and more known around the country for her powerful voice. She has recently released a new song called No Diversity and it is #1 on trending. She has only been a singer for 2 months, but she is already getting ready to go to tour with- well I guess you will have to find out. Tune in next to see LGBT stars give advice to teens. I am Michelle and this is Teen Vogue.

I was packing up my last bag for the tour when I heard footsteps behind me. "Hey Sabrina." I said, turning around. "Hi Love." She said.

"Are you sure you'll be okay while I'm gone?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's just a m-month." She said, her voice dropping on the last sentence. "B-but I'll be okay. I have my friends here with me. Plus, you're going on your first tour and with Shawn Mendes. Just promise that you won't forget about me." She said.

"You know I could never forget about you." My alarm went off. "I guess that's my cue. I love you, Bri." I said, giving her a hug.

"I love you too." She mumbled.

"Hey is that my hoodie?" She asked, looking at my appearance.

"To be fair, I know you took one of mine." I said.

"Touche." She grabbed my face and kissed me softly. "Be safe. And tell Shawn that I said hi for me."

"Well do, boo." I said, bringing down the bags with a little assistance from Sabrina.


"Do re mi fa so la ti do. Do ti la so fa mi re do." We are doing vocal exercises to prepare for the concert in Chicago. I can hear the screaming fans clearly and it's making me a little anxious. As long as I have something on me that reminds of Sabrina, I'm okay. Remember that Y/N.

"Ready to do this Y/N?" Shawn asked, tuning his guitar.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered. He looked at me and I guess that he saw that I was still a little scared.

"Hey it's okay. Just vision the people out there as your family and friends. That way you won't be as nervous." He said.

I nodded at him. "Alright. Thanks Shawn." I said. "Am I going first and then you're coming out and starting the first song?" I asked and he nodded.

"Break a leg!" He called out and I smiled softly. I ran on to the stage and I could feel my insecurities go away.

"Howdy y'all! Are you ready for this concert to begin?!" The fans screamed in response. "I'll take that as a yes." I giggled and some of the people laughed. I looked behind me and they started the music. "Still Down by H.E.R." I said and the people started cheering.

"When you need the time, I won't have it
I'll try not to make it a habit
But I can't promise that
Wish I could do that
'Cause you deserve
Actions and not words
And you know that I'm worth
Waiting for, while I'm out on tour." Some people in the crowd started singing along. I got a little lost in the song and started dancing to it.

"Tell me right now
Are you still down? (Yeah)
Are you still down?
Tell me right now
Are you still down? (Are you?)
Are you still down?" As I kept singing, I saw people holding out their hand. I kneeled down and grabbed onto a girl's hand and she started fangirling, causing me to giggle.

"When I ain't there and you get the urge
Who you hittin' up first?
Is it me or it's her?
I be thinkin' the worst
When you don't pick up
But I don't call enough
It's only for now
This won't be forever but I think that we will

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