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(2 weeks later)

Rowan's POV

"Wait no- stop. STOP IT! Let go of me!" Y/N started screaming while she was sleeping. She kept tossing and turning and started whimpering. "Y/N wake up!" I shook her, but she didn't wake up.

Lately, she's been having nightmares. She would never tell us about what it was about. Tonight we decided to have a sleepover and as you can see, it's not okay.

"Wake up!" I said, trying to wake her up but she was still screaming and crying. This is not good at all! I called an ambulance and told them what was going on and they took her immediately. I hurried to the hospital and I stayed in the waiting room.

"Where is Y/N?" Jake asked, looking around frantically. I had calmed him as soon as I got here.

"She's with a doctor right now. You are her friends, correct?" A nurse said and we nodded. "Yes. I'm Rowan and his name is Jake. What's going on?" I asked.

A doctor came out. "She's stuck in a nightmare and she's too scared to wake up. Her body is over heating as well and we're trying her best to calm her down. She keeps mumbling a name as well. Sabrina?" He questioned.

"Yes. That would be her best friend at the moment." I know that the two of them are taking a break right now.

"Right. Can you see if she can get here to the hospital? Maybe she can help calm Y/N down enough to wake up." The doctor said.

"Okay. I'll call her right now. Excuse me." I left outside and called Sabrina. "Come on, Bri. Pick up the phone. It's important." I said, before I finally heard a voice from my phone. "Hello?" Sabrina's voice answered groggily.

"Hey. How fast can you get to the hospital?" I asked and heard movements from the line.

"Who's in the hospital, Row? You know what it doesn't matter. I'm on my way." The phone called ended quickly. Not even 10 minutes later, she came into the hospital entrance.

"Who's here?" She asked. "Just me and Jake. I didn't tell Becca or Corey yet."

"Wait a minute." She came to a realization. "Y/N's in the hospital?!"

"Yeah." Jake said.

"What happened?" She asked, and I could tell that she was starting to panic.

"She fell asleep and had a nightmare, and right now she can't wake up from it. She's trapped in it." I explained.

"Hello. Are you Miss Sabrina?"

"Yes." She answered to the doctor.

"Okay. We need you to try to calm Y/N down enough so she can wake up. Do you think you can do that? She keeps muttering your name over and over again."

"Yeah. Of course."

"Okay. Before we try, can someone please tell us what happened?" The doctor said and started writing on a paper on his clipboard.

"She was sleeping and then she started yelling for someone to let go off her. She started screaming and crying and I tried to wake her up but it didn't work." I explained.

He sighed.

"I thought so. Well let's go Sabrina. We'll give you two some privacy so you can try." Jake and I stayed in the waiting room while Sabrina headed out with the doctor and the nurse.

Sabrina's POV

"Can she hear me?" I asked before going inside, and the nurse nodded. "Maybe. Well we'll leave you too it. Come get us when you calm her down." I nodded and went inside.

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