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"Bon anniversaire!" Sabrina screamed, excitedly.

"Maybe tomorrow." I mumbled and turned over so I could go back to sleep.

"Oh no you don't. Do it guys." I was picked up by two people and the next thing I knew, I was thrown into the pool.

I was suddenly wide awake, and I opened my eyes and got out of the pool.

"Karera no tanjōbi ni don'na hito ga pūru ni dare o nageru no ka?!" I yelled at Jake and Becca, who were laughing their ass off. (Translation: What kind of person throws someone into a pool on their birthday ?)

"It was Jake's idea!" Becca said.


"Hey now. You love me." He said to me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I do. Remember that." I said, and then pushed him into the pool. Then I pushed Becca in here as well and walked back into my room and laid back down on my bed.

"Why don't you want to get out of bed?" Sabrina asked.

"I'm tired!" I groaned. "Let me sleep."

"But I have something special planned for you." I didn't have to open my eyes to know that she was pouting.

"Please darlin'? I promise that it's worth it." She said, moving my hair out of the way and placing a soft kiss on my neck.

I peeked to look at her and she had puppy dog eyes.

Look away.

Dang it, I can't. Those big blue eyes...

"Pwease? For me, your girlfriend?" She asked again. "I promise that you'll be really happy."

I sighed in defeat and sat up. "Fine." I said. A big smile grew on her lips.

"Yay! Now get dressed." She said, and ran out the door.

I'm surprised that she didn't give me a hug and a k- My thoughts were cut short when Sabrina ran back into the room and gave me a big kiss and pulled me in a tight embrace.

She pulled away and giggled. "Good morning." She said, and ran back out the room.

Jake came in, soaking wet. "Right. I forgot." I said and handed him a towel and dry clothes. "Sorry about that."

"Its fine. I know you're not a morning person." He said. He started changing in front of me me.

"Bro, indecent exposure." I joked.

"It's your birthday present. You get to see me in all my manly glory." He started flexing and I laughed.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I started changing, too.

"Ooh, I'm telling! You got a tattoo? I'm telling Sabrina." He said.

"She's not my mom and I got that tattoo a week ago."

"Did it hurt?" He asked, gesturing to the rose with a butterfly on top of it. It's on my back, near my shoulder.

"Yes, but it was worth it. I'm probably going to get a new one. Now what should I wear?"

"Clothes." He replied bluntly and then started laughing.

"Haha, very funny." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

He stood up and took out a black crop top with a red rose printed on it and a pair of white jeans. "I say go with your black converse as well." He said.

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