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"What's that?" I asked, pointing at the black bag Jake was holding. "You'll see Y/L/N." He said, mischievous.

"Okay, so let's play 7 minutes in heaven." Corey said and I got confused.

"Why? We're all dating someone and-" He scrunched up his face and I stopped talking.

"Eww, not with other people. With our girlfriends and my boyfriend." He explained.

"But why 7 minutes in heaven?" I asked.

"We all know what will happen if we don't get it out of our system. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like walking in on someone-" He was interrupted by Rowan. "Okay Corey. We get it!"

"Don't we need an empty beer bottle?" Sabrina asked and Corey nodded. Jake pulled one out of his bag and I looked at him quizzically.

"Do you just happen to have beer bottles?" I asked, moving my hair to the other side.

"Not usually, but I just wanted to bring some tonight." He looked at Corey and it was like they were having a telepathic conversation. Then one started laughing for no reason.

"Well then. So, do you guys want to play?" I asked everyone else. They all nodded.

We sat in a circle in the living room, Jake putting the bottle in the middle and spinning it. It landed on me and Sabrina.

"Alright guys. Remember only 7 minutes." Jake said, and Sabrina grabbed my hand and we went inside the closet.

"Your 7 minutes starts... NOW!" Jake said and I felt Sabrina put both of her hands on both sides of my hands.

"Hi." I heard her whisper and she turned on the light, and I was met by her electrifying eyes.

"Hi." I whispered back.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asked me, slightly squeezing me reassuringly. I was feeling a bit uneasy and I think she noticed. "Y/N? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just feel a little nervous, that's all." I answered honestly. It feels like I have butterflies in my stomach.

"It's just me, but we can just talk if you want. I want you to be comfortable with me." She moved her hands off of me.

"Y-yeah." I said and she smiled. I looked at her and she looked mature. She wasn't a teenager, but an adult now.

"You look different." I said, and she had a amused and confused expression on her face.

"How?" She asked, laughing lightly.

"You just look older like an adult now and dang... I feel so old." She laughed.

"What? How? I'm older than you so how could you feel old?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just do, you know?"

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I heard Jake ask, getting close to the door.

"I don't know. Maybe we could listen on them to hear what they're saying." Corey said to Jake as their voices neared. Being nosy, huh? Good luck boys.

I smirked and looked at the door. I laughed quietly and got closer to the door a bit.

"Sabrina..." I faked moaned. Sabrina started started laughing silently, making it hard to stay focused. "We only have a few minutes left. We don't have enough time." I said. I heard someone gasp from the other side of the door.

"But you could have so much fun in a minute." She said, leaning against the door and looking at me. She started fake moaning and we heard a thud.

"Well that's enough. I didn't need to hear that." Corey said and we heard footsteps run away. Sabrina and I started laughing.

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