College Bullying

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(2 weeks later)

Jake's POV

"Yo Y/L/N! Made it just in time for class." I said. "I would have been here sooner, but I forgot about my essay and had to finish it this morning." She laughed awkwardly.

"Hey where's Becca?" I asked.

"She's sick so she's at home." I nodded and then the professor came in. "Hello class. Today we will be talking about something a little different. We will be talking about bullying. Now why does bullying occur?"

Y/N seemed a little uncomfortable with the subject.

"It happens for many reasons. It could be that there is a personal problem at home or they feel inferior to the protagonist. Sometimes they don't think they are doing anything wrong, and sometimes they do and don't care." A brunette boy said.

"Very good, Cameron. Now can anyone tell me about a couple the effects on the person being bullied?"

"Ah, Ms. Y/L/N." She looked up from her notebook.

"U-um they start to become depressed. The words that the bullies say to them gets to them and it seems like they're words are their own. They start becoming less happy and have little interest in some of the things that they used to do, because someone used it against them. With some, it can result in self-harm and suicide." She said.

"What can you do if you see someone being bullied?"

I raised my hand and he pointed at me. "Stick up for them and not be a bystander."

"Very good Jake. Now class, I want you to write an 3 page essay on bullying and your thoughts about it. It will be due on Friday. Since we have only 10 more minutes left of class, you can either start now or you can talk quietly." He sat in his chair behind his desk.

My best friend head was down so I tapped her on the shoulder. "Y/N, are you okay?" She sat up and nodded.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" She said. She blinked and a couple tears left her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, concerned.

"It's nothing, really." She said, wiping her face. The bell rang and she hurried out the classroom and to the next class.

"We have like 4 minutes until this class starts. Why are you in here?" I asked as I walked in and sat beside her.

"I didn't want to be late." She said.

"Is something going on? You know you can tell me anything." She hesitated before turning towards me.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone. Not Corey, Becca, Rowan, Sarah, and especially not Sabrina." She said.


"I get bullied by this group of people every day that I come here. I try to get to class as soon as I can to avoid them, but sometimes I can't and they say-" The rest of the class started coming in and she stopped talking.

"Oh look who it is." A girl with ginger hair walked in and stopped in front of Y/N's desk. "The whore." She said.

"I'll let you blow me." A boy yelled at Y/N and the whole class started laughing.

"She's not a whore." I growled at them.

"Right. She's a worthless, fat, ugly, slutty, faggot." Some of our classmates snickered.

"Y/N is not any of those things, dumb bitch."

"Just leave it alone, please. I'll be fine and I don't think that any of us wants to get kicked out." Y/N said.

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