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I hate that we are so far apart

It's difficult when you have my heart

I want to stay positive come what may

But I still miss you each and every day

As I sit here writing this, I feel so alone

I wish we could talk right now on the phone

The challenges in front of us seem impossible

But there is nothing before us that is not solvable

You love me, I know it's true

Maybe more than I love you

I can't go a day with you anymore

You are the only woman that I adore

It's awful it took so long to meet

Now we have to keep our love discreet

One day everyone will know

And we will not have to put on a show

Until then you and I will just have to wait

For you to let me take you on our first date

I'm willing to meet you any time or place

Just to see that smile on your face

I will patiently wait for us to be together

And try to ignore the stormy weather

I'm selfish in wanting you for my own

Thinking of you while I read Moonstone

I know you are smiling as your read

I can give you just what you need

While this poem is almost done

Your heart I have not yet won

It just a matter of time, you'll see

When I propose to you on bended knee

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now