Made for Each Other

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How do you know you are compatible with another

How long does it take for couples to discover

Is it something instantaneously realized

Or does the understanding come later as a surprise

With you it started slow with a feeling out messages

We found books we could talk about many passages

It was our gateway to more detailed probing

And then at the doctor's office I started disrobing

Instead of running away you found every second enjoyable

Suddenly a deeper friendship seemed very possible

We found there were many other things in common

To find out more we would have to start talking more often

A daily streak was created that so far is still intact

So the search was on to find out every fact

To fill our heads with each other's portrait

You awakened many memories that laid dormant

This made it easy to see

That you were meant for me

We fill a secret void that we didn't know was there

And thus was born a very secret love affair

How do we know we are made for each other

I don't want to spend time with another

I am more satisfied now than at any other time

Even when I was married and in my prime

I cannot ever believe that anyone could make me more satisfied

So you should just say yes right now and be my bride

I know I am in a dream like state

But please make no mistake

We were made for each other

I'll never truly love another

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