A voice in my head...?

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Are you just a voice in my head

That I listen to in my bed

Filling my thoughts with positivity

Releasing me from my unhappy captivity

Brining me out of an unknown haze

Helping me through my life maze

We are closer than ever

And my poems I try to be clever

So you choose to give your heart to me

And make a love decree

Before we ever meet

You have been so sweet

Maybe I am just a voice inside your head

Talking you into choosing me instead

You should listen to the voices

And make me your first, second, and third choices

The voices can be wrong from time to time

But not during this specific rhyme

You should choose the one you love

If you need help I'll give you a little shove

To get you moving in my direction

So I can finally show you some true love affection

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now