My Sappy

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Sometimes I wonder what we are doing

Am I a terrible person for wooing

I only have this thought for a second

Loving you cannot be bad a reckon

For all I have done is given my heart away

For you found me when my life was in disarray

And without trying you brought happiness to my life

So why wouldn't I want you to be my wife

You have given me more than anyone else

When you open up just a little my heart melts

I know you are the one true love I seek

And behind your wall you once let me peek

I know there are feelings hiding there

Not just beneath your underwear

But in your heart just like me

Your actions have let me see

I know when you let me in

Both of our lives will truly begin

I know the time my never be right

But I want to continue to fight

You and I will be so happy

And you will always enjoy my sappy.

Poems of Love and LongingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora