Am I Alive

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A question that should seem clear

I do have a birthday once each year

I guess you have to define alive

Then based on that you decide

Having life, vigor, or spirit is what I see

Now you can start to argue with me

But don't jump to conclusions

Life can be full of illusions

For instance can you see my face

Or come up and give me an embrace

All you see are words on a screen

What does that really mean

I could be words written by a machine

Of course that could be my scheme

But if I'm alive I don't always feel it

I am alive to a degree, I admit

But days like today make me stop and question

Is this just the beginning of depression

I hope I can beat it back

And take heed to act

It may be hard to make a switch

I hope today is just some glitch

I have more than myself to worry about

So for me there is no time to sit and pout

Life has dealt me some difficult times

I guess I just have to pay for my past crimes

So while I may question life

I am now writing to my future wife

So she will know that I can make it

And that I will never ever fake it

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