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Love is like walking the Appalachian Trail

It is not a journey for the frail

Starting at the beginning in Georgia can be rough

Making it up and down the slopes can make you huff and puff

Like the beginning of a relationship, it can wear you down

There is nowhere to stop and usually there is nothing around

As you move through the Carolinas things are less demanding

At this point in a relationship you may feel outstanding

The best is yet to come as you continue north

This is when the love will start to flow back and forth

If you make it to Pennsylvania you are in for a treat

The view from the ridges are really sweet

There is nothing like getting a view of the curves and mounds

There is nothing better than when love abounds

Once you reach there you will feel a sense accomplishment

You may even get some acknowledgement

This is when you will ask her the question you have been waiting to pop

I hope moving forward your love is nonstop

If all I had to do was hike this trail all the way through

So I could hear you actually say I do

I would already be halfway there

I am ready to start our love I loudly declare 

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