Give you the moon

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Who knew love would be so complicated

But now that I have found it with you I am so elated

You make me feel like life can be fun again

I can't wait for our time together to begin

I know we have an opportunity for us

So while I wait I will not make a fuss

You are worth waiting for

I know I have said that before

But it is more true than ever

While I try to use words to be cleaver

My goal is to steal you away

Will you say yes today

Maybe not so much

You'd say yes if you could feel my touch

It can be hard if I am unsure how you feel

But I am learning how to deal

I will pretend that you love me more

And it's me you have fallen for

I tell myself you love me more everyday

And you are close to running away

It may not be quite that true

But you love me I know you do

One day you'll say it out loud

And then again in front of a crowd

I love you so much right now

For ever your friend is what I vow

I hope you know you are first for me

If you were next to me that would be clear to see

You will know it one day soon

I cant wait to give you the moon

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now