My Beautiful

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Your smile always brightens my day

Even if it is seen through the words you say

Your eyes shine like diamonds in the sun

Hopefully you are standing there when the sneezing is done

Your words keep me coming back for more

I have never once thought you were a bore

You thoughts are always insightful

To hear them is always delightful

Your voice is the sweetest I have ever heard

More beautiful and even a nightingale bird

Your kindness for others is an example to mimic

Enough to change the mind of even a cynic

Your thoughtfulness towards me always make me blush

My knees always turn into mush

Your dedication is something that I admire

You are there even when things seem so dire

There is so much to love about you

This I hope you know is completely true

You stand apart from every other

This is why I hope one day you can be my lover

I cannot wait for you to be able to share your feelings

I know your heart, I'm in the process of stealing

One day you will be able to choose me

And our love for each other will finally be freed

Poems of Love and LongingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora