I Wish

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I wish things were different for us

Sometimes it is hard to discuss

I wish you were more open with me

I know it is hard since you are not free

I wish I knew how you felt for real

Though I still chase you with lots of zeal

I wish I could see you in person and live

For that there is no distance I wouldn't drive

I wish we could spend more time together

Every time we talk I feel light as a feather

I wish I knew if I truly make you happy

Or if you believe that I am just a little wacky

I wish I knew if you were just waiting for me to leave

So it's not you leaving me and that task you'd be relieved

I wish I didn't have periods of doubt

I know I probably make you want to shout

I wish I could hear your thoughts

Even if I know all your faults

I wish you would trust me when I say

That I love you now and forever, always

I wish you would understand that looks are not everything

I love you for all the happiness and joy you bring

I wish our time was near

But patience is needed, that is clear

I wish you knew that I am willing to wait

I will never find some as great

I wish we could share more

I hope you don't think I'm a bore

I wish this poem would change your mind

No matter what, our lives are intertwined

I wish this would prompt you to express yourself

But I know, for now, you keep me on the bookshelf

I wish I could hear you say you want the same thing as me

To hear you make that love decree

I wish that you were free to choose

But I know you have so much to lose

I wish we had met a long time before

For there is no one more that I could adore

I wish for some many things, maybe now you have a clue

What I wish for most is that you know that I love you

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now