Defenders of the Wing, Part 2

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Viggo's POV

We walked up to Ryker who was guarding the dragon from injuring itself while in captivity and I spoke to him when we approached. "A funny thing happens when you remove an animal from the safety of its home. At first it becomes disoriented and..." The Eruptodon banged onto the cell door, causing Ryker to jump backwards and draw his sword. He never changes. 

"Aggressive. Then, finally, the creature accepts its fate." The beast slammed its head into the cell door twice again, followed by a low grumbling before surrendering and giving up. "It loses interest in killing its adversaries and becomes more concerned with its own survival. Or at the least, it becomes someone's expensive toy." I grinned to finally be able to destroy the home of the Riders. Hiccup is going to lose it this time. There is no way the boy can withstand and stop the power of this massive dragon. 

"It better survive captivity. It's worth a lot less to us dead." Ryker was cranky again, just being his typical self. "All in good time, brother. All in good time. He has a very important job to do for us first. One that poor Hiccup will never see coming." I studied the dragon once more as its temper started to rise. He was getting hungry and that is what I wanted to drive him to.

I got Ann out on deck again to let her breathe in the fresh sea breezes. She obviously enjoyed it. Her hair waving in the air, she definitely listened to the sounds of nature in those winds. She took my hand in hers and looked me deeply in the eyes. Gods, how much I love this woman. 

She is the only one that can see through me and make me smile like no one can ever do, even my own family when I was a little boy. I held my arm around her again and rested my hand on her shoulder, supporting my head on hers when we saw Dragons Edge appear in the horizon. 

"Ann, my dear, I have to ask you for a task." I gently brought it up to her. "What kind of task?" She asked me rather startled. "I ask you to go to the Edge and take control over it. The Riders will never get past their own defences. You have been there for over a week and I hope you are able to remember everything you've seen around there." "Hey, I might have been captured there for more than a week, but that doesn't mean I know every corner of the base." She was irritated and sounded like she refused. 

"Hey, I know you are not taken for a tour there, but please. I ask you to remember all you still know about it and use that to your advantage for this battle." I kissed her on the cheek as I held her from behind. "Fine! But I'm not doing it because I like it." She turned her face away from me. "Of course I don't want anything to happen to you anymore, but this is the last thing I ask from you this week." She just nodded to me with an annoyed growl before she got down to the deck to talk with my brother.

Ann's POV

I couldn't believe Viggo asked me to go on such a mission when I just had been freed again from the hands of who I don't belong to. Yes, I am mad at him because he doesn't understand how much I want to be with him instead of going back to the place I have been held for a week. 

Ryker was a great support and because of him, my anger could flow away. I stayed with my brother when my husband came down to give the order of bringing the Eruptodon up to the deck. I have no idea what Viggo is up to, but I'm sure Hiccup will find a way to stop us again. I've seen it. The boy has the same level of intelligence as Viggo does. He will find a way to block Viggo's attempts.

I just wish Viggo would stop this useless and pointless war and focus on something else. Something else for the business would be greater than keeping this up and fight for the rights of the dragons. Focus on me as well and the ideas of starting a family again, now that we lost our beloved girl so long ago now.

Ryker had brought the dragon up to the deck with chains and ropes. I just can't believe the fact it has been starving only to be used for our own profits in taking the Edge down. I disagree with Viggo's approach to it this time. 

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