4th julyyy

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"i'll get that!" i shot up and ran to the leblanc door. they were vlogging the before of the party. i opened the door to see sydney, luke and their parents. i had only seen her twice since that night, and hadn't spoke to her either of those times. i smiled awkwardly and welcomed them into the home.

luke placed down a bowl of chips and made their way outside, with the rest of the guests. everyone who was invited had arrived so i guess it was time to start the party?

billy turned the music up and started taking nest out of its packets, laying them on the barbecue to cook. caleb and i took it upon ourselves to sit on the boat so we could be alone. all the younger kids were playing in the field, the older ones snapchatting and dancing.

"so, mr leblanc, what's new with youtube?" i asked, watching him walk around the boat.
"annie's been cast in a show. she's also been offered songs from many writers in la. her shoes being shot in la so we'll be going there a lot." he explained. i nodded, sighing at the same time. "we've already got an apartment out there. we're actually leaving next week."
"what?" i shot up, suddenly angry at my boyfriend for keeping this from me. "how long have you known?"
"for about 3 months." i scoffed, walking off the boat. "brynn wait!"
"you thought it would be a good idea not to tell me?" i pulled away from him. "i-i'm not angry at you. i just need time to think. okay?"

he nodded and allowed me to walk away, being greeted by sydney. she'd seen the fight.
"hey, brynn, are you okay?" she asked, trying to look me in the eye.
"i'm fine. you know what? i bet this makes you happy you little-"
"you're angry right now. call me what you want but i know you don't mean it. don't say anything you will regret. talk to me, brynn."

i sighed and sat next to her on the grass. maybe talking wasn't such a bad thing; it would be nice to let go of all the built up thoughts that kept me up at night.
"it's just, i've been hurt by guys in the past. been cheated on, lied to, assaulted. and finding out that caleb will be going to la for god knows how long with whoever, it just- i can't let the thought of him screwing me over go. it took me so long to even trust him, and he doesn't even know that. i put on this brave face, a tough act, and it's really just because i'm scared for people to see the real me. the vulnerable and weak brynn. you know?" i finished, finally looking over at sydney.

that whole rant she just listened. she looked and me and heard what i said. she didn't try to cut in and make it about herself. she didn't zone out because it was too boring for her to waste her time on. sydney listened, and that meant so much to me.

yoyoyo so i know the timelines screwed up but idgaf tbh. annie is 13 rn caleb is 15 and hayley is 9. okay that's all ily

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