First Toll

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"Hwanwoong, get down here or else you'll not only be late, but hungry as well." I was tired. Not physically, but mentally. I never asked to be born this way. My mom and others constantly blame me for my father's disappearance. I didn't make many memories with him, so the image of him in my mind was pretty vague. I wondered if there were others like me in the world, if they're suffering like me. I walked downstairs and saw that she had left the ingredients out for me. I considered it a blessing as she usually doesn't.

I quietly ate as I walked down the block towards my destination. School. It didn't hurt for us to attend human school as it gave insight as to what type of brainwashing that they're using lately. Therianthropes, us who can transform into animals, know every little thing that really goes on in the world. These sad humans don't know the many secret deals made behind their backs. I licked my index finger then moved to the side as I sensed something behind me. "Your sensory skills are beyond normal for a t.thrope." "Clearly, as I can literally become any animal." I watched Youngjo stand up as he was in a crouching position. We continued towards the school in silence.

I never thought I'd make friends with anyone who was of the cat like species, but here I am, with Youngjo. I sensed someone else behind me and quickly moved. "Seoho." "Another loss for me huh..." I nodded then entered the classroom with him. It was boring as expected, so I decided to see what was going on in Royaume. "Well, since you're on the site, check my love compatibility with Dongju." I rolled my eyes, but I was also curious as well. "It says 1%." I had never seen Seoho look so gloomy before. I patted his shoulder while telling him that there were others out there in the world.

Class had ended and I was finally free. "Are you going to head to Dier now?" I turned around and saw Geonhak approaching me. "No. I'll wait for Seoho." "You don't want to go with me anymore?" "It's not that..." It was that. After he had told the others about my abnormality, it's been hard to trust him. What if he outs me to the higher ups? So far he hasn't, but I can't let me guard down either. "I'll see you there then." I knew I shouldn't have trusted anyone who's a red fox, but he really seemed genuine when we became friends. "Hwannie!" I sidestepped as Seoho tried giving me a hug. "Let's go."

We stopped a few feet from the tree as getting any closer in our human form would result in unbearable pain. We transformed and approached the tree. The familiar tingling sensation coursed through my body as we walked through and entered Dier. As usual, it was a lively place with transport bubbles floating about, kids chasing each other, workers working and animals walking about. "Now that I think about it, we never met Youngjo's family." "You have a point there, Seoho." I was a bit envious of Seoho as his familial animal was a pine marten. Sure, I could turn into one, but it would be suspicious as I belong to a gray wolf family.

We made our way into the woods then my sprite had appeared. "Where have you been?" "Looking around for your future lover." I sighed then swatted Lutin away. Pikushī, Seoho's sprite, appeared and hit me. "Be nice to Lutin!" "Why is your sprite completely different than you, Seo?" He shrugged then pulled Pikushī closer to him. My ears perked up and I turned to face in the direction the sound came from. "Is someone there?" I relaxed as I knew this smell anywhere. A beautiful red fox walked out from the trees then sat in front of me. "I told you I'd see you here." "Geonhak."

Geonhak was the only red fox who's fur radiated such beauty. Neither his parents nor siblings could compare. My ears perked up once more, but I already knew who they were by their smell. "Nice to see you two made it, Youngjo and Dongju." Dongju joined Seoho by hopping onto my back while Youngjo sauntered over and sat down with Geonhak and I. "I don't really like the human world. They're such idiots." "I can agree wholeheartedly. They really believe that they can bring peace to the world if everyone was kind to each other." "Unless they get rid of that massive amount of greed in them, it'll never happen." I felt one of the smaller two shift and figured it was Dongju.

"We aren't that much better." "And which side has lost more over time?" Dongju became silent, causing Youngjo to smirk. "Anyway, Hwanwoong." "Yo." "I dare you to transform into a lemming." "Guys, you know I shouldn't." Seoho and Dongju scampered off of my back and I could feel their eyes on me. "Fine." I transformed into a lemming and watched as they all cooed at my small size. I noticed Lutin had appeared and looked at me with a worried face. "Hwan, we have to go now." "Huh?" Lutin quickly said something to the others then transported me back home.

disfunctionality | HwanHee ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن