Forth Toll

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I don't know how long it's been since I ran away. Lutin had briefly appeared to tell me that I had been banned from entering the city unless I was normal like them. He suddenly vanished before he could say anything else. I had taken residence inside a log then heard the rain pattering against it. It started to become cold. I didn't think the rumors were true about the weather being more drastic deeper in. I wanted to go home, even if it meant going back to my unloving mother. I missed my friends. I constantly wondered if Dongju got home safely. "He had no reason to run, yet he ran with me...I don't understand."

I picked a leaf and held it like an umbrella as I continued to wander around. I noticed a small clearing in the distance and hurried over to it. I had wanted to see something, anything there. Nothing was. "Lutin, where are you...I'm so alone..." I heard a sound come from behind me and saw an animal jump out from the bushes. "An o-okapi!?" I tried scampering away, but was picked up by the okapi. "Put me down!" The okapi didn't respond and kept running. "I said-" "Then you want to die?" The sudden question shocked me, but I already knew my answer.

The okapi eventually slowed down then ducked into a cave. It tossed me to the side then collapsed to the ground. I heard shouting voices pass us by then it became quiet again. I quietly walked over, but kept my distance after everything I heard about them. I was told they were extinct, but here one was right in front of my eyes. I lightly touched it's face then backed away as it lifted its head. "You. What are you doing out here? You reek of city." "It's a long story. And one I don't intend on sharing." "That's fine."

We remained silent and I thought that it would be best to leave quickly, as I don't know it's intentions. "You're better off staying here for now. They'll be coming back this way later." "How did you-" "Your face." It was quiet again and I decided to at least find out some information about the okapi. "Your name is?" "Keonhee. Keon for short." "Gender?" "Male." "Age?" "None of your business." He was rude, and that fact ticked me off. "Why are you out here so deep in the woods?" "That's also none of your business." I couldn't stand his rude tone. I proceeded to walk out then stopped when he said "you." "If you go out there now, you'll never see anyone again." Was he telling the truth? The voices didn't sound fake. I walked back then sat down farther away.

"Since I told you some things, it's your turn." "Hwanwoong. Male." "Cute. I'll shorten your name to Hwan." "Don't you dare." He snickered then let out a sigh as he turned to face the entrance of the cave. I was still skeptical of him as I didn't know any of his intentions. "Are you rested up?" "Huh?" "We're going to have to move now. Can you make the journey through or do you need to ride on my back?" I had forgotten that I had transformed into a rabbit to help myself move faster. "I think I should ride on your back. It'll be faster." "You're smart. I like that." I hopped onto his back then he proceeded to walk further into the cave.

"So, your familial animal is a rabbit huh." I didn't know what to do. I couldn't possibly tell him about my abnormality. "Yes. And yours is an okapi?" "Yep." The walk was quiet once more as I didn't want to reveal much about myself to a complete stranger. We emerged on another side of the cave and saw a small waterfall pouring into a lake. "We can relax here. I don't think they'll come this way." He didn't sound as if he was lying, so I slowly got off his back and approached the water. He followed behind then sat by the edge.

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