Second Toll

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It's been a few days since I've been to Dier. Lutin and I don't usually get along too well, but after seeing his worried face, I felt that whatever he had to say was for my safety. "'Don't go back to Dier for a few days. They have a new system that can detect abnormalities.'" I wondered when such a thing was installed. I knew I shouldn't have bought into their idiotic dare. Somehow I've managed to successfully dodge them all outside of class, but something told me that today I wouldn't be so lucky. I heard the doorbell, but I couldn't go and answer it. My mom forbade me from doing a lot of things around the house and she'd immediately know if I broke the rule.

My cell phone started ringing and saw that it was Dongju calling. "What." "Are you home?" "Yes. Hasn't Seoho told you anything? I can't answer the door or else my mom will throw a fit and possibly beat me." He was quiet then cleared his throat. "Then we'll get our sprites to get us in there." "Wait-" He hung up and I hoped he wasn't serious.

An hour had passed and I saw a light forming in my room. I shielded my eyes then looked as it had dimmed. "So you were serious..." Dongju jumped onto my bed and hugged me. I could see the jealously in Seoho's eyes, but he knew it wasn't my fault. "Why are you both here?" "Dongju wanted to see why you were avoiding all of us so suddenly. And I came to make sure he stays out of trouble." Dongju had transformed then started rubbing his head against my arm. "Did we do something wrong?" I wasn't sure if I could tell them. I whistled for Lutin and waited for his answer. "Lutin said there's a new system that detects abnormalities." I noticed Seoho was also no longer human and had taken residence on my shoulder.

It was nice that they were willing to keep me company as I was a bit lonely. I suddenly remembered something I had read the day before. "Have you guys ever heard of any family who's animal is an Okapi?" Seoho was quick to cover my mouth and shake his head. "We don't talk about them. The higher ups forbade any mention of them." Dongju poked his head up from under my arm. "I heard they were a terrible species. They terrorized big and small animals alike, almost corrupting the entire way of life in Dier."

I never heard about them until now, and what I just heard didn't sound all that good. "Anyway, forget about them. Let's play some games." I sighed then also transformed into a pika.


I sighed as I could hear my mom walking up the stairs. I had long since gotten rid of their scent and wondered what she could possibly have to say. My door opened and she didn't look unhappy. "If there's anything good about you, you know how to obey." She threw mail on the floor then left. I waited a bit then walked over to see what was up. "What's this...?" I nearly stopped breathing as I realized I had been invited to the biggest party in Dier history. "But, why me...?" I decided not to question it and just be glad I was invited.


I sat in my seat then heard someone gasp beside me. "You?" "I'm still surprised too..." I looked over it again and it certainly was the real deal. "Dongju got one too." "Well, at least I won't be alone." I went online on Royaume and saw a lot of posts talking about the party. Seoho sighed heavily then took my phone. "What are you doing?" I watched as he typed something in then showed it to me. "Please keep him safe. There have been reports of older animals harassing younger animals and minors." "Why are they still let in?" "They have money."

I sighed as I made my way home. I saw a small light appear in front of me. "Lutin...?" The light brightened a bit more then I realized who it was. "Folletto...? Why aren't you with Youngjo?" Another familiar light appeared and I knew it was Lutin this time. "It's fine to go back...? Are you sure?" Lutin nodded along with Folletto. I happily ran towards the woods as they hid in my hair. I wasn't keen on going home as my mom had stayed home today.

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