Twenty-third Toll

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I quietly followed behind Foletto as he led me to where Keonhee was. "Why is he helping us?" "Just like you, he wants to save everyone." "So he's known this whole time and hasn't done anything?" "Well, not much, but he did work on disarming certain places. Basically the paths we're taking." I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for automatically assuming Youngjo was on the dark side along with the council. "Thanks, Foletto. And thank Youngjo for me again when you return." "Will do."

We rounded a corner and I smelled a familiar sweet and rich scent. "Keonhee!" He turned around and nearly knocked me over. "You're okay. I was so worried. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help but-" I put my paw on his mouth then chuckled. "Let's focus on our mission." "Well, we need a plan." "Can't we just, rush in and attack?" "Sure, and die soon after. The council aren't a bunch of weaklings, Hwan. They're like us, heightened senses and all." "Him never mentioned that." Keonhee shook his head then had Nisse project a map of the interior. "How'd you find this?" "Ancestors left it. I had Nisse keep it safe."

I looked the map over and saw that we weren't too far from the big room. "I say we take them one by one." "That's actually not a terrible idea. They're usually split at this time of day." We nodded in agreement then headed for our first target.

Keonhee peeked into the room then motioned for me to follow. The council member was sound asleep and it felt a bit cruel to attack at their most vulnerable state. "I'll deal with this. Go be lookout." I stepped out and kept my sense sharp. I had expected to hear some form of a blood curling cry, but it never came. Just as I was about to peek in, Keonhee had come out with small blood splatters on his coat. "Uh-" "We can't waste anytime. Onto the next one." "R-Right..." I suddenly remembered what he had said back in the woods and wondered if now was a good time to bring it up. I shook my head and decided to wait. We arrived at the next room and just our luck, this one was sleeping as well. Once more no cry was heard and I wondered what kind of technique he was using.

The next two were awake, but Keonhee told me to save my energy for the last two as they were the real power of the council. I wasn't surprised by the fact that Youngjo's mother was the strongest. However, that sheer fact scared me. I worried if I was strong enough to take her on along with Keonhee. We arrived at the 5th member's chambers and slipped in. Keonhee had secretly attacked and successfully hit her. "What the-" "Your time is up." "Oh. So there's still an okapi left huh...This should be fun." Her gaze was intense and I felt my body start to shake. "You can do're not alone..." I took a step forward and showed her that I wouldn't step down. "Well, if you two insist on dying, so be it."

I had barely managed to protect the both of us as she continued with her torrent. "Give up. If you can't even manage to handle me, you won't stand a chance against Hoyong." I assumed who was talking about was Youngjo's mom. Could she be right? I felt self doubt settling in then saw Keonhee take a step forward. "Giving up isn't in my vocabulary." He briefly looked at me and I knew then what he wanted me to do.

I quietly sat by Keonhee's side as he stood on top of her. Even a blind creature could see she was taking her last breaths. "You may have gotten rid of me, but Hoyong is much stronger. She'll finish you in an instant." She coughed up a lot of blood then looked at me. "Watch yourself. It's you she really wants." And just like that, she slowly stopped breathing.

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