Tenth Toll

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I quietly followed behind Keonhee as he limped around. "Hwan, why don't you-" "I already gave you my answer." He didn't say anything else and continued to walk. It was strange as I was never one to really put myself out there nor start conversation. There was just something about Keonhee that made me curious and want to know more. Was it because he kept himself mysterious? Possibly. I looked around and noticed we had entered the dense forest again. "Do you have any idea where Him is?" "Not really. Just that it resides in a cave somewhere."

"Well, I'm sure there's plenty of caves in this forest. Is there anything distinct about it?" "No. It's just a cave." "That's helpful..." We stopped in a small clearing and Keonhee had sat down. "Does it hurt a lot?" "No, I'm fine." We both knew that was a lie, but I figured he said it for a reason. "So, are we just going to aimlessly wandered around with you?" I looked at Lutin who seemed a bit peeved. "No one asked you to come along." "I didn't want to be here either, but this idiot insisted on finding you." I hit Lutin then huffed. "I figured he'd need help." "Help? With what?" I wasn't sure, so I couldn't answer him.

"Just admit that you're worried about him." "I'm not admitting false statements." Nisse rolled his eyes then sat on top of Keonhee. "Then the only other reason is that you've taken a liking to him." "What!?" We both looked at Nisse who only shrugged. "Why else would a city kid who's been brainwashed to think you all were barbarians and wreck havoc stay by you?" Keonhee looked at me and I suddenly couldn't formulate words. "See, he can't even deny it." "That's false, Nisse. I don't like him in the way you're insinuating." Nisse shrugged then disappeared into Keonhee's fur. "God he's so annoying..." I looked down at Lutin who was curled up on my back.

We had started walking again and I felt my stomach rumble. "Maybe we should break for food." "You're being considerate. Thanks." He led me in a new direction and stopped at a tree. "What's here...?" I looked down and saw strange plants and mushrooms. "Are these safe?" "Yes." He walked over to another tree and I looked back at his find. I slowly ate as I've never had this before. It was sweet, but salty as well. I was never one to favor sweet and salty food, but this I'd consider an exception.

I noticed another plant and walked over to it. It had a substance dripping from it and I went to touch it with my paw. "Don't!" I stopped and drew my paw back. "What?" "Touch it and it'll burn your flesh off." "How do you know?" "I've seen it happen to a careless creature. Poor thing lost its eye." I quickly moved back and glued myself to his side. "Now you're overreacting..." He seemed amused by it, so I continued. "Stop it." "But I'm scared..." He sighed then gently nuzzled me. The action surprised me and sent me backwards. I unfortunately hit a tree which held a hive up above. "Now you've done it. Walk away slowly." I did as I was told and followed Keonhee to a safer place.

"It was your fault." "You're the one who pretended to be oh so scared." "Because it made you happy and I wanted to see more of your happiness." "I see..." I could hear the faint happiness in his tone as he said it. We continued on our journey to see Him. I thought that since I would be there, it could possibly get rid of my special power. I wanted to be able to hang out with my friends in the city again. I wanted my mom to finally accept me. I wanted my dad to come home. I wanted to be normal.

disfunctionality | HwanHee ✅Where stories live. Discover now