Seventh Toll

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I woke up and saw that Keonhee was awake, but hadn't moved. "You're awake." "Where have I heard that line?" "I'm sure you have questions just as I do." "Are you...?" "What are you implying?" "Abnormal?" "There's nothing abnormal. It's natural." I didn't understand what he meant. I was constantly told by my mom and teachers that having such a power wasn't a good thing. "Judging from your current form, I assume you can too." "What do you mean it's natural?" "Exactly what I said. Oh, I get it. They've brainwashed the new generation." He slowly stood up then walked over to the river. "Explain yourself, Keonhee." "I don't think you're ready to learn about Dier." "Who made you the judge?" He didn't respond and continued to drink.

We started walking again, with him riding on my back this time around. "Do you have a home?" "Used to." "I want to see where you lived." "There isn't much." He quietly gave directions while trying not to doze off. I had hoped it was a short walk, but it was proving to be quite long. "How do you deal with the crazy weather here?" "I memorize patterns." I sighed then picked up my pace. After a while, I wondered where in Dier we were. "Where now Keonhee?" No response. "Keonhee?" I looked back and saw he was out cold. "Great..." I sat down as I didn't want to get myself lost. I noticed that fog had started settling in and it didn't seem like a good sign to me.

The fog was thick and made it difficult to see anything at all. "Great. This is a surprise." I looked back and saw Keonhee sliding off my back. "Sometimes the weather suddenly changes and catches one off guard. Like this fog. It's supposed to be clear all day and night." I nodded in understanding as I watched him look around. I looked at Lutin who gave me a worried look in return. "Don't you dare. You don't know your way around here!" "It's better than sitting here and being a sitting target." I stood up and walked into the dense fog.

"Hwan, lets go back...We need Keonhee." "It's too late for that." I sighed as I had started to regret venturing off. I found myself falling forward and yelping in pain as my body hit rocks and sharp edges. I tried standing up after stopping and immediately fell back down. "Hwan!" "I'm not dead, Lutin." He quickly healed the more serious wounds and I honestly felt a lot better. "I contacted Nisse. Hopefully they can find us. No more venturing for you." I rolled my eyes as I laid down on the ground.

It had started drizzling and I wondered if Keonhee was lost as well. I started feeling a bit of regret for leaving. "Lutin, it's starting to get heavier." "I know..." I put up a shield and decided to wait a bit longer. I started to doze off, but always jolted awake. "Hwan, you can sleep. I'll watch over us." "But you can't transport me anywhere..." "Right..." He gently patted my head then sighed. "Hopefully they find us."

I woke up and saw Lutin snuggled up in my fur. "So much for keeping watch." I smelled something different in the air and considered it a threat. "Lutin, we have company." He stretched out then rubbed his eyes. A small animal appeared then quickly ran over to us. I quickly moved away as I didn't know it's intentions. "Nisse!" "Nisse?" I looked at the mouse before me which turned into the sprite I know. "We've been looking for you for hours." He hit me a few times then crossed his arms. "Where's Keonhee?" As if on cue, I saw a wolf emerge from the trees with his scent. He ran over to me and knocked me over. A bit of pain ran through my body as not all of my wounds healed.

"Don't ever leave without me, or else you're completely on your own next time." I found myself nuzzling him as I felt so happy that I wasn't going to die alone. He moved away then stared down at me. "Let's go." His tone was emotionless and it made me wonder if he had wished for me to be gone and out of his hair.

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