Twenty-fourth Toll

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I couldn't help but replay her words in my mind. Why does she want me? I'm no different than Keonhee. "Don't let what she said get to you. It's just a bluff." "But what if it isn't?" He gently nudged me then slowed down. "Then, we'll come up with something." We neared her room and I slowed to a stop. "Keonhee." "What's up?" "About earlier back in the woods. What were you going to say when we got to the city?" He stopped as well then faced me.

"I just..." "Just...?" "I wanted to tell" "You're giving me anxiety." He walked over to me then rubbed his head against my neck. "I wanted to tell you that I like case one of us didn't make it...I didn't want to regret not telling you." I felt my heart swell. I felt hot, embarrassed, flustered, you name it. "And, even if we did make it, we'd go back to our separate lives..." All of my warm, happy feelings had dispersed and were replaced with negative feelings. "Our separate lives..." I didn't want to part from him. I was willing to go back into those creepy woods with him. I felt that I belonged by his side. "Well, should we wait a bit to collect ourselves after this chat?" "No. Let's go." "Are you sure?" I kept walking.

"Nice of you both to join me." She jumped down from her bed up above and sauntered over to us. "I'm sure little Hwan filled you in on my plan, right?" We remained quiet and prepared ourselves for whatever she was going to throw at us. "You both look so tired and tattered. Hyunkan must've given you a hard time huh?" "Cut to the chase." "Oh, don't be so serious! We're all friends here. In a way." I couldn't take it anymore. I attacked her first. She easily deflected it and missed me by a hair. "Ah, impatient are we? Haste makes waste they say..." And just like that, I ended up in her clutches.

"Hwan!" "Ah, step back. Or else I'll drain more than just his powers." I helplessly watched Keonhee back away. "This feels like a movie. The two heroes fall in love and are facing the villain and now the villain has a hold of a lover." She repeatedly swatted at the dark bubble I was enclosed in and sent electric shocks through my body. "So, now what do you plan to do?" "The obvious. Defeat you and save him." "Pretty solid plan, but what would you do if I did this?" She bit her paw hard enough to drawn blood then wiped it on the bubble. "If you hurt me, he gets hurt too. Kill me, he dies too." It was a cowardly smart move. I looked at Keonhee and the conflict was obvious in his eyes. "Just kill me. I'd rather see from above happy future generations than a world of mind controlled creatures." I had meant every word I said. If giving my life meant providing everyone with a happy future, I wouldn't hesitate.

"Well, you heard him. Come." "Do it, Keon. Please. And...since it's come to this...I like you too! I can die without regrets..." I felt tears in my eyes as I thought about all the things I wanted to do with him. "If only I had listened and collected myself..." I felt sharp pains throughout my body and saw that they were fighting. "I didn't think you had the guts. So you really don't care if he dies?" "I do care...It hurts so much, but his death won't be vain." He knocked her off balance and took the opportunity to deliver the final blow. "Keonhee...I guess this is goodbye..."

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