Eleventh Toll

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"What are these things!?" I shook my paws vigorously trying to get them off of me. "Doing that has the opposite effect." I stopped moving and saw that they started leaving on their own. "Why didn't you say so earlier?" "It was fun seeing you so flustered." "Asshole..." For the first time ever, I had heard him laugh. It made me happy to see that I was starting to break his tough exterior that he uses around me. He had suddenly stopped and transformed into a smaller animal. "I think I'm going to need your help after all." I was confused as to what he meant until I saw that his body was shaking.

I always wanted to know what was really on Keonhee's mind. His thoughts when I am and when I'm not around, what he thought of our situation. I wanted to also hear his true feelings. "You're thinking hard." "How can you tell?" "You're quiet." I quietly followed his directions as I thought of how to ease into my question. "So, nice weather we're having." "What is it." "How-" "People and creatures only use that line to cover their true intention." I sighed then briefly looked back at him. "I want to know your thoughts and feelings." "Why?" "Wouldn't it be better? We could communicate better."

"I guess..." "So, are you bothered by me tagging along with you?" I figured he'd say yes, as who wouldn't be. He's constantly watching over me. "Not as much as before." "Really?" "It's been awhile since I've had company besides Nisse, so..." It was understandable that he would act the way he would. I was not only a stranger, but from the city, a place he's not fond of for some reason. "Are you upset that you constantly have to watch out for me?" "Same answer. I feel it can be beneficial in the future." "That's quite a positive outlook."

"Since we're sharing our thoughts and feelings, why did you really come back?" "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you." The only thing heard now was the sound of leaves being stepped on. "How did you all end up out here?" "The high ups." "Why did they do it?" He didn't respond, so I assumed it was time for me to know yet. "Are you sure you want to know? Do you not want to keep living in that bubble of ignorance?" "Is there something I don't know?" "Correction. That you all don't know." I didn't know what Keonhee could possibly know that would change anything drastically. "Can I think on it?" "You can, though I'd prefer you didn't know."

"Don't treat me like a kid. In fact, tell me about it right now." "Later, right now we have company." I was confused until I saw an arrow land dangerously close to me. "What the..." "We're surrounded." He hopped off my back and also became a wolf with me. It was difficult to avoid being hit in a small enclosed space. "I have a plan." He quietly told me the plan and I hoped that it would work. We put the plan into motion and everything seemed to be going well. That is until I stumbled and couldn't move. "Just go. It's you they want, not me." "Hwanwoong..." "You called me by my full name...Anyway, just go. They're coming." I sighed then closed my eyes. I could feel the pain rising in my hind leg and it was unbearable.

I felt myself being lifted and carried. I opened my eyes and saw I was on Keonhee's back. "Why..." "You never left me behind, so why should I?" I decided to make it easier and transformed into a rabbit to make myself lighter. "Thank you." He started moving faster as I held on for dear life. I looked back and saw that they were still chasing us. I never really looked at them until now and saw that they were all cougars like Youngjo. "Is he connected to them...? I doubt it." We ducked into a cave and hid further inside.

disfunctionality | HwanHee ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora