Twenty-sixth Toll

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"So, the wind told you to seek us out?" I cheered as I noticed Seoho and Dongju were holding hands. "I know it's crazy and that I have a lot of explaining, but please, this might be able to help Hwan..." I couldn't help but cry with him. It was obvious that the guilt was eating away at him. "If it's for Hwan, I'll do anything." "Me too." Keonhee seemed to have revived a little then asked about the others. They all headed out and decided to meet back there when they both found the other member.

After a couple hours, they all had met back and looked lost. "Now what?" "I...I don't know." I didn't know how much time was left, so I shouted once more what he needed to do. "Our sprites!" Each person had called for their sprite and Nisse appeared carrying Lutin. "So..." The sprites held Lutin up and the others placed their small hands on him. "What's going on?" "I have no idea..." I watched in awe as Lutin had started to regain his color then noticed I had started to become solid. "Bro..."

I had fully regained my body then felt the after effects come crashing in. Keonhee had caught me before I fell and held me close. "This isn't a dream, right?" I shook my head then buried my face into his chest. I never realized how much I missed his scent. Our hug soon became a group hug and I could feel the overwhelming love coming from all of them. "I'm so sorry Hwan. I'm so sorry..." "Saving everyone was more important. As you said yourself, my death wouldn't have been in vain." The others soon pulled away and looked at us. "Alright, you BOTH have explaining to do."

We all walked back into the council's building as we explained the last part of our story. "Youngjo, we're truly sorry." "It's...I'll get over it. She stopped being a mom years ago..." We entered the broadcasting room and I looked at all of them. I took a deep breath then tapped the sprite. I explained to everyone what had happened and had Youngjo confirm everything. I exhaled in relief as it was finally over. "Even though you murdered creatures, it was for the greater good." "Why don't we become the new council?" We all looked at Dongju who simply shrugged. "I'm not sure that's how it works." "Then would you want a repeat of today?" "Obviously not." "Then it's settled." Dongju hopped over then tapped the pixie. "As of now, we, Kim Youngjo, Lee Seoho, Kim Geonhak, Lee Keonhee, Yeo Hwanwoong, and me, Sohn Dongju are your new council members. Thank you."

I decided to see the public's reaction after all the news and peeked out the window. Everyone seemed confused and they had a right to feel so. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm sure Dier will be back on its feet in no time." I looked over at Keonhee and nodded. "So..." "Hm?" He leaned against me then let out a cute whimper. "I literally just regained my life, let me breathe." I shook my tail in happiness as I now had better things to look forward to in life, and I would get to experience them all with Keonhee.

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