Fifteenth Toll

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I felt something shaking me and I reluctantly opened my eyes. "Keon...?" He surprised me with a hug which had me confused and hot. "You wouldn't wake up no matter what I did..." "Oh, I'm-wait a minute..." He pulled away then looked at me. "What did you do?" "Shake you, lick you, pour water on you, grope you, tickle you-" "You groped me!?" I proceeded to hit him with whatever I could within reach. "I'm-ow-sorry..." I threw a pillow at him again before making my way downstairs. "I can't believe he'd go that far just to wake me up..." I entered the kitchen and saw that no one was present. I never did figure out what time it was.

I noticed Keonhee had come downstairs and sat down in the living room. "Are you chill with cereal?" He yelled a "yes" back then looked at the options that we had. I walked into the living room and found him watching the news on TV. "Are you allergic to anything?" "Limes." "How did you figure that out?" "Ate one that came with my meal. Ended up in the ER." I nodded then went back into the kitchen. I came back with two bowls and handed one to him. "So, what's the news for today?" "They found someone dead in the woods. They say the marks are unusual." I took a look at what was on the TV and knew those marks. "Poor guy."

We had changed the channel and ended up switching between cartoons and sitcoms. "So, are we going to hide out here all day?" "We don't have to. I didn't think you'd want to go out." He looked at me then placed his bowl on the coffee table. "I want to know what your life was like before our meeting." "Well, I wouldn't mind doing that. It's just...I don't think I want to go home. What would my mom think? She's probably get upset and..." I shudder at the thought of what she could do. "We should still go. Even if she mean and cruel, you're still her son." "I guess..."

After showing him around, I stopped in front of the school that I used to attend. "I don't even know if I'm still a student here. Most likely not." I wanted to wander onto campus, but the security here actually does their job. "Well, last place. Your home." "Don't make me." After some arguing, we ended up walking in the direction of my home. I kicked a rock as I knew we were nearing my home. "Nervous?" "No." "Liar." I looked up at him and felt my heart race as he gave me a comforting smile. It was weird, but it was no longer unusual. I slowed to a stop as we had arrived at my home.

The door opened and my mom had an unreadable expression on her face. "You're alive. And brought a friend." "Hello, Mrs. Yeo. I've been looking after him the entire time." For the first time in years, my mom had smiled. "Thank you. I'm happy to have my son back." He nudged me forward as my mom had stepped to the side for us to enter. Nothing on the inside had really changed. "Please, make yourself at home. Hwanwoong, may I take to you in private?" I internally sighed as I followed her upstairs.

I caressed my cheek in an effort to numb the pain. "You idiot! How could expose yourself at such a grand event!? And you have the nerve to come crawling back here?" I could only look down as I tried to control myself. "I shouldn't even let you back in here after that. I'm only doing so so that other families will shut up about this new rumor." "Excuse me..." We both looked back and saw Keonhee stepping up. "Oh, yes? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" "I'm fine, just wanna talk to Hwan for a while. Without you." "Oh, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I sat down in my chair then hid my face from sight. "Hwan." I didn't want to respond to him as he would be able to tell that I had started crying. I heard him walk over then he made me look up at him. "Don't hide your tears..." He held me close and I felt myself let everything out. I was happy then to have Keonhee, especially at my most vulnerable moment.

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