Sixth Toll

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I woke up and was greeted by the refreshing scent of nature. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in my hiding place. I looked around and knew this wasn't where I had hid myself. I hear rustling then saw Keonhee appear with food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. "You're awake." "And you have food." He sat down a great distance from me and started to eat. I had hoped he would offer me some, but he didn't even glance in my direction. I sighed then looked around. "I wouldn't suggest eating that." I paused mid way then turned to look at him.

"We both know I don't know a thing about this place. I'm practically starving that anything looks good at this point." He sighed then motioned for me to come over. "You could've asked." I didn't have a retort as he made a point. He slid some over to me and I hesitantly looked it over. "It's not poisonous." "Can I trust your word?" "Hwan, if you want to make it out here in one piece AND alive, I suggest you do." I didn't have much of a choice as the other options I thought of didn't sit well with me. "Do you have family...?" "I used to." "Any friends...?" "Nisse." Judging from his answers, it's seemed as if he's been alone. "Are you like, a lone wolf or something?" "No. It's just how things ended up."

After breaking for a bit, we continued on. I couldn't fathom how someone could be alone this entire time and not feel anything. "Do you miss your family?" "Can't miss what you never had." His statement had hit home hard. I couldn't imagine how lonely his life has been. I didn't want to imagine it. "What happened to them?" He didn't respond, so I assumed it was a touchy subject. "What about you, Hwan? Got any family?" "I lived with my mom and dad. Now it's just mom." I was thankful that he didn't question my father's whereabouts. "Is she nice? Your mom." I wasn't sure how to answer him, but I decided that him knowing wouldn't matter. "Not really. I was treated like a slave rather than a son."

I was lost in thought then bumped into something. "Why'd you-" "Shh." I became silent and wondered what he was listening for. "Get on my back." I did as I was told and wondered if we were going to be attacked. My ears perked up and I hit Keonhee's side. "Run!" We had barely dodged a sharp arrow that was now stuck in the ground. "How did you-" "Just focus on running!" I did the best I could to keep them back, but there was only so much I could do while in motion. I successfully hit one of them then went flying as one had hit Keonhee's leg.

I quickly made my way back to where he fell and was surprised to not see him or the attackers there. "Where did he go..." Lutin appeared and I badgered him with questions. "I had to take care of something. From now on, I'll always be by your side." "Where's Keonhee?" "I don't know...Nisse isn't responding either." As much as I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't just leave Keonhee out there alone, especially with an injury. "Keonhee! Keonhee!" I sniffed the ground once more to see if his scent was still there. It had gotten stronger and I quickly followed it to a river. What surprised me was not the fact that he was bleeding a decent amount, but his form.

I slowly approached him and saw that he was unconscious. "Lutin, what do I do..." I looked at my paw which was now coated in blood. "Nisse could help him..." "Then where is he? Why isn't he here when his partner is in need!?" I wrapped myself around his small body and hoped he'd be okay. I was more concerned about his health rather than the questions I wanted answered. "City kid." I looked up and saw Nisse. "Where have you been? Keonhee needs you..." Nisse touched his wound and it immediately disappeared. "I'm sorry Keon..." I suddenly felt tired and eventually fell asleep.

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