Fifth Toll

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I assumed at least a week had passed since I met Keonhee and nothing between us had changed. I desperately wanted to change my form, but that required revealing my abnormality. "Is something bothering you?" I ran into the back of his leg then I proceeded to rub my nose. "No. Not at all." He turned around then bent down. "Assuming we'll be together for a while, you can talk to me." "I'd rather not." "Suit yourself." He walked on ahead as a small light grew bigger by his side. "Oh, look who's back." "Hush. Oh? Who's this?" The sprite circled around me before sitting on Keonhee's back.

"Hwanwoong. He's a city kid." "Oh. He's one of those. We should ditch him." I stopped dead in my tracks at his remark. "Nisse..." "What? It's their fault we're like this." Our fault? I caught up to them and wondered what this sprite meant. "Wh-" "Don't bother asking. I doubt your tiny brain could comprehend." I was beyond furious with this rude sprite. "At least we don't have to depend on t.tropes to survive." That fact had shut Nisse up and I was glad. I thought about Lutin and why he wasn't here with me.

"Hwan." "I said-" "Where's your sprite?" "I...I don't know. He doesn't come when I whistle either." "Aha, looks like you got yourself a troublesome sprite." "No, he listens to me. It's just ever since I stepped foot in here, I haven't been able to see him. Except once." Keonhee had gently nudged the side of my face in what I assume was an effort to comfort me. "It's important to keep your bond strong. Maybe that's the problem." A familiar light shone and I was glad to see it. "Lutin!" "Hwanwoong!" "Lutin?" "Nisse...?" I looked at Lutin as I was confused as to how he knew Nisse.

"Nisse...We grew up together before we were sent off to our respective partners." "I never thought I'd see you again." Keonhee ushered me along while the two sprites chattered away. "Where are we going anyway?" "Somewhere." "Is it your home?" He didn't reply, so I took it as a no. "So, have you seen an okapi before?" "Only in books." "What's your impression of them?" I wasn't too keen on answering as I felt he was fishing for compliments. "Fine." He walked on ahead, ignoring the fact that I can only move so fast in this body. I stopped to catch my breath and saw a small stream of water nearby. I took a few sips then looked around. "They're gone." I looked around and I was indeed alone. I hear rustling coming from the side then saw a weird creature emerge from it. It charged at me and I quickly started running.

No matter what I tried, it kept the same distance between us. "Oh no, I'm getting tired again." I tried to muster as much stamina as I could and transformed into a pine marten. I scaled a tree and looked down at it. It was grotesque and kept snarling at me. Lutin had appeared with Nisse and they sent the creature running for the hills. "Hwan..." Nisse gave me a skeptical look and I wondered if he had seen me as a pine marten. "How did you get up here, rabbit?" "With determination and will." Lutin looked at Nisse who then decided to drop the subject. "Hwan!" I looked down and saw Keonhee beneath.

"Jump, I'll catch you." "Stop lying." He reassured me for nth time and I decided to trust him for just this. I jumped down and landed on his back. "See? I told you." I sighed then heard a familiar snarl and a voice. "Get settled quickly." I quickly situated myself on his back and he broke into a sprint. "What is that thing?" "I'm not sure myself, but I was told they can sense someone with strong powers from afar." That small fact sent me into panic as it could reveal me all together.

He stopped by a river and paced back and forth. "Go on ahead." "Huh? But that thing-" "Go!" I quickly crossed the river by using the small rocks and didn't look back. I found a place to hide then was soon joined by Lutin. "Here, this should hide you well." "I cant believe I'm saying this, but what about Keonhee?" "He's fine. He told me to wait with you." "How can you trust him so much?" Lutin didn't answer and I figured he wouldn't anytime soon.

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