Chapter Five - Pj's Friend

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The microwave beeped suddenly, startling me from where I'd been staring off into space. After jumping slightly, I exhaled as I realized it was just the popcorn finished popping. I opened the microwave and took out the bag, immediately flinging it to the ground as it burnt my hands.

To my luck, Phil walked in at the moment the bag hit the floor. He laughed, strolling around it to get to the fridge before asking, "What do you want to drink?"

"Doesn't matter," I answered as I bent down to pick up the popcorn. I tried to ignore the heat touching my cheeks from embarrassment.

Phil and I decided to have our movie night as the TV was set up. He also claimed we deserved to relax after working at Chris's on the short film. I wanted to argue that we hadn't really done anything to help but decided to let it slide. I wanted to have a movie night, no matter whether I deserved it or not.

There were still stacks of boxes scattered all around the house, even after spending the afternoon after we got home unpacking. That had been exhausting work, I supposed. The kitchen was almost done and I figured with less than an hour of work it'd be good.

"Do you want me to do the washing up from supper?" I offered, eyeing the dirty dishes beside the sink.

"We're having a movie night," Phil reminded me. He set down a large bowl for the popcorn on the counter along with two cans of coke. "That means no working until tomorrow."

I enjoyed talking to Phil more—like I knew I would—now that I was starting to feel more comfortable around him. I'd learned to mostly ignore the slight acceleration of my heart and the strange feeling in my stomach when we spoke.

"If you insist," I supposed, turning my attention away from the dishes. I ripped the popcorn bag open and dumped it into the bowl, glancing toward Phil as he left the kitchen with our drinks, probably to finish getting the movie set up.

By the time I walked into the living room, the open credits of a movie were paused on the screen and Phil was on his phone. We still didn't have a couch yet, as we needed to buy one, and that's why I was carrying two thick blankets under my arm. I set the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table in front of Phil before tossing them to the ground.

"Are those for sitting on?" he asked me, putting his phone facedown on the table.

I nodded, finding it funny how we usually seemed to be on the same train of thought. We were so similar but not at the same time.

Phil got to his feet and helped put the blankets down to create a wide cushion for us at the coffee table.

A few minutes later, we were seated comfortably, our eyes cast towards the TV. We were watching Phil's favorite movie, which I'd told him we'd do since he'd paid for our drinks earlier in the day. He didn't take much convincing since he seemed excited about watching it and I was too, I had to admit.

I couldn't help but notice how close Phil was sat next to me. I could feel the warmth radiating off him which was nice as the apartment's air was slightly chilled

My arm tingled slightly when he brushed it accidentally while reaching for his drink. He didn't notice my slight shiver, which I was thankful for, as his eyes were glued to the screen. His expression was of pure fascination even though I was sure he'd watched the movie a million times before.


I was pulled groggily from my night's sleep by a startlingly loud ringing. I groaned tiredly and rubbed my eyes, opening them slowly as they adjusted to the light streaming through my bedroom window. The ringing continued and it took me a few disoriented seconds to realize it was my phone.

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