Chapter Sixteen - Movie Marathon

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The water drummed against my shoulders, the warm liquid cascading down my body. I ran my fingers through my hair as I finished rinsing out the shampoo, watching the soapy water foam at my feet before spiraling down the drain.

After rinsing off completely, I turned off the water, stepping out of the shower before grabbing a towel. I dried my hair with it as best as possible, damp curls forming on my head.

I typically showered at night so I could let my hair dry while I slept and straighten it in the morning. However, I'd gotten distracted on Tumblr the night before, leaving my shower for the morning. I supposed Phil was going to have to deal with my hobbit hair for the day.

I dried off the rest of my body, then slipped into the clean t-shirt and sweatpants I'd brought for after my shower.

When I left the bathroom, I ran into Phil who was leaving his room. As soon as he laid eyes on me, a smile lit up his face, his gaze flickering up to my hair.

"Ooh, I like the curls, Danny," he told me. Ever since he'd made the nickname for me a few days earlier, he hadn't stopped using it. I had to admit, it was growing on me.

My cheeks tinged crimson at his compliment. "My hair's too wet to straighten," I explained.

My heartbeat sped up as Phil took a step toward me, reaching toward my hair. I expected him to ruffle it, but instead, he wrapped a curl laying against my forehead around his finger.

I had a love-hate relationship with the feeling I got when he was close to me. It was already hard enough keeping a safe distance when he didn't touch me, but he'd been making the task a lot more difficult recently.

"I like it," he said sincerely, letting the loose curl slide from his finger. He pushed it back from my forehead before beaming at me.

"Thanks," I answered sheepishly.

He nodded in response. "Are you up for another movie marathon today?"

"Again?" I questioned as we'd just done one the day before.

"Have you really got anything better to do?"

I supposed he was right, I honestly didn't. "Oh, what the hell. Let's do it," I agreed.


"Shit," I muttered as the end screen credits started rolling on the screen, "that was a good movie."

"I told you," Phil said, clearly proud of himself for guessing that I'd like it.

Phil was sat on the couch beside me, his hip touching mine. I'd been all too aware of it during the whole movie but somehow still managed to pay attention to the film. A part of me hoped he'd sat so close on purpose, desiring to be close to me just as I did.

I noticed the song that begun playing with the credits sounded familiar from somewhere and I started humming along. Phil leaned forward, placing the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. The couch rose as his weight lifted from it as he got to his feet.

"What are you doing?" I laughed, watching Phil as he started waving his limbs around. Sometimes he was too adorable for his own good.

"Dancing!" he exclaimed as if it was obvious, continuing to flail his arms about. "Come on, dance with me!"

I shook my head quickly, refusing his offer. "You're going to have to get me drunk before I start dancing," I informed him.

He didn't answer, instead, approaching me while doing some strange move. His hand took mine, sending a shiver of tingles up my arm at his touch. My heart accelerated as he hauled me from the couch. I groaned in annoyance and tried to sit back down, but his hand was still holding mine and he used it to pull me toward him.

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