Chapter Nineteen - Aftertaste

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*Phil's POV*

I'd seen Gabe. There was no missing him. I spotted him as soon as we'd gotten into the building.

I'd purposely taken a long time getting me and Dan slushies, keeping a keen eye on Gabe the best I could. I wanted to wait until he left his group so I could get him alone, hoping Dan wouldn't notice him there.

When I finally saw him excuse himself from his friends, I rushed back to where Dan was waiting, phone open in front of him. I saw his eyes on the bathroom door where Gabe had just gone, probably meaning he'd spotted him. I just hoped he trusted me enough not to follow me.

After telling Dan I was going to the bathroom, I could tell he wasn't too happy.

I secretly crossed my fingers as I strode away. I knew he was going to get the wrong idea if he followed me to the washroom and saw me with Gabe.

"Gabe, can I talk to you?" I asked once I was in the bathroom.

His hands were under the stream of water from the tap, which he turned off as he looked over at me. He must've noticed me when I first arrived because he didn't seem shocked by my appearance.

"Is that your new boyfriend?" he asked, his tone matching his resentful expression.


He looked unconvinced as he wiped his hands off on his shirt. "Who is he then?"

"Just my flatmate," I replied. My gut twisted guiltily, knowing Dan wouldn't like that answer.

"Oh, yeah," he said, clearly not caring. "Dan isn't it?"

Immediately, I knew I had to change the subject and get the conversation over with. "I wanted to apologize for the way I ended things," I stated.

Gabe appeared slightly amused as he answered, "Oh, really? Miss me already?"

"No," I replied quickly. "I know that text isn't the best way to break up with someone. It's just, I didn't think we were working out."

"You already told me all this, why are you saying it again?" he asked, clearly unimpressed.

I let out a long sigh. "I need to tell you this in person otherwise you won't believe it."

"Get on with it." He appeared slightly impatient. 

"We're over for good this time," I assured him. I'd never told him that to his face, hoping it would have more of an impact if I did.

Gabe was silent for a long moment. He stared at me blankly, his expression making me worried he still wouldn't believe me.

He startled me slightly when he took a long stride toward me, making him too close for comfort. 

"You'll come back to me when this thing you have with Dan doesn't work out," he stated confidently. "You come running back every time."

"No," I denied.

"Yes," he argued, lifting his eyebrows slightly as he shuffled even closer to me.

I took a deep breath, not at all fazed by his proximity.

Ever since I'd met Dan, my life had changed completely. Before, my nagging feelings for Gabe had never seemed to leave completely no matter what relationship I got myself into. He was toxic and I knew that, but he wasn't wrong when he said I always ran back to him.

This time was different. Even with him stood so close to me I didn't feel a thing for him. He had nowhere near the effect on me that Dan did, and never had. He'd always been a rebound, but what I felt for Dan was so much stronger.

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